Chapter 1: Go Back Two Years Ago

1599 Words
Aarhea's Point of View: "What is the meaning of this, Logan!" I yelled out of my lungs, looking at him while my best friend, Amara, was on his top, naked! Amara quickly left on top of Logan, covered her naked body, and faced me, grinning, which annoyed me. I gave Amara a deadly looked, "I deserve an acceptable explanation, Logan! Tell me! Did she seduce you?!" I asked more while pointing my finger at my beloved best friend. Logan got up on the bed and glared at me. That seemed like daggers were hitting me. I cannot hold my anger. I immediately approached Amara and grabbed her hair, which made her kneel on the floor. Amara held her hair, "Ahhh!" She shouted because of what I was doing. She held my hand and tried to fight back. "Slut! You deserve to go to hell!" I shouted at her. "I can't believe you did this to me, Amara! You are the only one I trust. I consider you as my sister, but...but..." I don't know how to end what I am going to say. I was disappointed, and I felt like I was stupid! She fooled me! On the outside, she was beautiful with an angelic face, always concerned about me, and always there when I had problems or rants, but now, I know that all she showed me was fake! She's the perfect definition of an angel outside but evil inside! I was the Alpha's daughter, and Amara was the daughter of my Father's Beta when he was alive. I met her when I was fifteen, and we became friends. I can't believe I was that stupid! I believed all her actions and her words! "Don't make a scandal here, Aarhea," Logan's voice was weak but authoritative. "Don't make a scandal?" I chuckled, "She is the one who is making scandal here, Logan!" I continued. Logan stood up from sitting on the bed. He approached me and held my arm. He squeezed my arm, so I let go of Amara. He pulled Amara to his side. Amara quickly hid behind Logan. She peeked at me with a grin. "Now, explain all of this!!" I demanded. "You don't have the right to know my reasons, Aarhea, but as you can see, I just playing on you!" He answered, which made my eyes widen, and I felt that it seemed burning. I gulped, and I couldn't believe what I heard, "Playing with me? In our two years relationship?" I clarified, but my voice was shaking. "Yes, and because you are so stupid and naive, in our two years together, you didn't notice how I was playing with you! Amara, she's just my toy, my slave that follows all my orders," he admitted. I felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on me. It was like thousands of daggers stabbed me in the chest because of what he said. I can't quite imagine everything he said, and I can't quite imagine how stupid I was! I overlooked the game he was playing because I was blinded by the beautiful things he did and his sweet and flowery words! "Why, Logan? Why!!" He tilted his head before looking at me, "As I said, you don't need to know!" he answered. When I saw Amara's grin, I couldn't control myself again. I quickly approached her and pulled her hair, I slapped her face, and when she knelt again on the floor, I kicked her. I don't care what will happens to her. I am not used to this scenario. I am always a sweet girl, kind, always smiling to the people around me because my parents always reminded me that I am an Alpha's daughter, so I must be a fine woman, an excellent example to others. I felt Logan's hand on my arm and heard his authoritative voice stop me. The whole room was filled with screams coming from Amara. "Help me, Logan! I'm pregnant!" I stopped because I heard what Amara said. It was as if the earth fell where I was. Logan pulled me hard and pushed me away. I felt my head hit a pointed object. I held my head, and my eyes became blurred. "I told you to stop, Aarhea!" I heard Logan yell at me. He quickly approached Amara and supported her to stand. My whole body trembled as blood rushed to my head. I looked at my bloodied hands. I looked at Logan, and my eyes couldn't stop the tears from coming. "How's our wedding, Logan?" I asked him, trembling. "Our marriage will continue, Aarhea, no matter what!" he answered me, which made my eyes widen. "You are just a tool for my plans, Aarhea. And After our marriage, the Crimson Pack will be mine!" he continued. So that's it! He wanted the Crimson Pack! I will not allow him to get it! After the death of my parents, I promised myself to protect our pack! I will continue their legacy! I will not allow myself to be a disappointment to the pack members! "It will not going to happen, Logan! I will ensure you that our wedding will not continue!" I firmly said to him. He grinned, "How can you be sure that our wedding will not happen, Aarhea? The preparations were all set, and you know the elders and the alpha's in charge will not approve of what you are saying!" He replied. My breathing quickened. Even though my eyes were blurry and my body was weak from the rush of blood to my head, I forced myself to stand up to face the two of them. "There are many ways to fail a marriage, Logan! I will not allow you to succeed in your plan!" I ensured. I walked up to him, and when I got close, I slapped him hard. He caressed his cheek, and he gave me a tiger look. I turned my back on him and walked towards the room door. I was about to leave the room when I heard Logan speak, "You can't stop me, Aarhea. I've got everything fixed. I have made a plan for whatever the possibilities are!" I can't entirely agree! I will do everything to stop our wedding plan! I got into my car when I left Logan's house. Tears came out of my eyes when I sat inside the car. "What happened to you, Princess Aarhea? Are you okay?" Mr. Johnson, our family driver, asked me. "Let's go home, Mr. Johnson," I answered without looking at him. "Take this, Princess Aarhea," Mr. Johnson spoke again. I looked at his hand, and I saw a small blue tablet. "Relax, Princess Aarhea. If you are already relaxed, take this capsule to calm yourself. I always drank this tablet if I was down or I was hurt. It is very effective, so if you relax, drink this," he explained. I took it from his hand and looked at it. He handed me bottled water to use to drink the tablet. We started our travel. I took several deep sighs and closed my eyes. "Drink the tablet, Princess Aarhea," I opened my eyes because of what Mr. Johnson said. I put the tablet inside my mouth and drank the water. After that, I felt that the car's speed accelerated. "Mr. Johnson..." I called his name. "Prepare yourself, Princess Aarhea. Forgive me no matter what I do because my family's life is in danger. But don't worry because you will return to the past!" I frowned because of what Mr. Johnson said, so I asked him in wonder, "What are you talking about, Mr. Johnson? What are you going to do?" He smiled, but he didn't answer my question. I felt that the speed of the car was increasing. "Mr. Johnson! What are you doing!" He continued to run fast. He ignored me. I approached him and held his shoulder. "Mr. Johnson! Stop this car!" I yelled, but it seemed that he didn't hear me. I looked in front, and I saw that we were going straight to the cliff. "Mr. Johnson! Are you insane? What are you doing!" I asked again, yelling at him. He continued, which made my eyes widen, "Mr. Johnson!!" I shouted out of my lungs when the car fell off the cliff. I closed my eyes. I held tightly to the chairs. I felt the glasses hit my body, particularly my face, as the car bounced due to the rocks. I felt dizzy until I passed out. I fell back when I opened my eyes. I rolled my eyes, and I found myself in an infirmary. I sat on the bed. I looked back at what had happened to me. I do not understand. How did I get to this place? Where am I? As I looked back, I heard the door open. I looked at the door, and I saw Amara. Her face was worried, and when she saw me, she immediately approached me. "Are you okay now, Aarhea? Is there something hurt in your head?" she asked me one after another. I gave her a dagger look, "What are you doing here? Where am I?" I asked. My eyes were like a laser beam, burning her to death. "I was the one who brought you here, Aarhea. Someone hit your head while we were walking in the hallway!" she answered. I looked around again, and I noticed the calendar on the wall. I widened my eyes when I saw the date. How come I went back two years ago!?
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