Chapter 23: Good Enough Part 2

1081 Words

"Tell me all about you." Madeleine sniffed and drew lines on his palm. Christian sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "My father is-" He trailed on and on about the model industry and the brand. About when he was a child, and his mother would sneak him things. How he had a big house and two nice cars, but they meant nothing to him. How he had a black Bombay cat named Midnight, and a reddish-orange tabby cat named Leana. How he still worked for his father, but since he had moved out... he was less controlled. How they would meet for lunch at fancy restaurants and discuss business because he was supposed to take on the company one day. Also, how much he didn't want to do that. By the end of it she had gone through every emotion, from laughing to crying and so had he. A knock came to the

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