Chapter 3: The One with the Hot Cousin
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After Kaustuki literally hugged the life out of Vidhushi they both decided to end their public display of affection or whatever that was and decided to sit back in their seats.
"That was a bit dramatic girls" I said in a amusing tone giving them both a look. They gave me both sheepish smiles and started to blame each other and it was really a funny sight to behold.
After that we decided to take pity on our food and have it. The food here was very delicious surprisingly. I was so glad for that fact because our high school food tasted like absolute dirt and it was real struggle to even eat that kind of food.
Vidhushi had ordered for herself a espresso and a broccoli sandwich. It looked more like a toast with avacados on top but it was a broccoli sandwich. Also such a crazy combination!
"So... Do you live here alone?" Kaustuki asked wiping her mouth with the tissue and then turned her head towards Vidhushi breaking the silence. I also followed her and focused my attention towards Vidhushi. She shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ear and gave us her full attention.
"No. I live with my aunt and uncle in the city. It's just few streets away from college actually. And they were the one that informed me about this university and the business programme. Oh..." She paused and turned around as if searching for someone and then looked back at us.
"Even my cousin studies here. He's in our class" Vidhushi completed and picked up the tissue from her tray and wiped the corner of her lips.
That must be fun having a cousin around the same age. It just be fun growing up with someone same as your age, sadly she didn't have that privelege.
"Your cousin? That must be fun. Who are they?" I asked her curiously.
"Yeah. My cousin brother, Randhir Shekawat..." She said and then turned around and looked back at us.
"He's sitting at that table" She tilted her chin and narrowed her eyes at the table. My eyes followed her and saw that her eyes were trained at the back table. From the corner of my eyes I saw that even Kaustuki was looking at that table with wide eyes. It was shocking.
"He's your cousin?" We both shrieked in surprise at same time and turned our attention back to Vidhushi. She raised her eye brows in confusion and nodded her head slowly, as if she was trying to figure out whether something was wrong. Welp didn't she see him at that line.
Also what do they eat? I mean they both look like they are off springs of some Greek gods looks. Their beauty was that surreal.
"Yes why. Do you guys know him or something?" She asked whole tolling her lips in confusion etched on her face.
Know him?Yes we just got aquatinted with his PDA skills. I snorted at the thought.
"Yes. I mean we just saw him kissing a blonde in the middle of queue. He gave us a real display to PDA" Kaustuki said with a snort and shook her head. I looked at her incredibly amused. Wow what a honest reply!
"No doubt than. He was definitely my brother. He tends to do that a lot." She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"But apart from that he's really cool. Awesome brother. Wouldn't trade for anyone." Vidhushi answered with a small grin playing at the corner of her lips. She then picked her fork and I eyed it warily because why would they give you a fork with a sandwich. I could never understand these people now.
"That's awesome. But like you don't have a problem with his playboy ways? It must be difficult with all those girls storming licking up to you for brownie points." Kaustuki questioned and her eye brows knitted in curious look. I almost stopped myself from asking anything because she had already asked. It's like I and Kaustuki have almost same thoughts going on regarding him. But I get hers were a lot better and genuinely curious. Only yours are lot dirtier!
I didn't even try to correct my subconscious mind because I couldn't agree more now.
"Sometimes it does and it annoys me a lot." She clicked her tongue and stabbed at her sandwich with her fork and I almost looked at that with wide eyes. Maybe that it is the reason they hand out forks with sandwiches.
"Anyways it's nothing I can't handle. Besides I don't like to interfere in his life and tell him to behave or anything. He can do whatever he wants." Vidhushi shrugged and then focused her attention back to her food. It was fair but I couldn't imagine the kind of attention she would be getting later on now.
"Anyways, Vidhushi did you take any extra subject?" Kaustuki piped in after she let go that topic.
"Extra? No way. I'll be lucky enough to pass these subjects. They are already too much time consuming." She laughed and then asked politely, "What about you guys?"
"Yeah I took extra creative English class." I answered with a excited tone.
If not for the business course I wanted to take the creative English class but unfortunately my father would throw a fit so I caved in.
"Really? That's extra hour for you." Kaustuki said in a sad tone and I just shook my head at that. I loved it.
"Good luck with that." Vidhushi smirked at me while sipping her espresso. Ouch! Why do I need luck for my favorite subject?
"That means we have same classes." Kaustuki beamed looking at Vidhushi. And they both looked happy at that. Vidhushi excitedly nodded and they both gave a high five to each other. No you're not going to regret taking extra subject! Yes I am not going to regret sitting extra hour.
"San did you take your books?" Kaustuki asked me. She kept her tray aside. And I peeked at that. She had surprisingly completed the entire breakfast unlike me. I couldn't even drink the full juice in my can.
"No but I collected the recipient. I just have to deposit it in the office and pick them." I answered wiping my hands on the tissue.
"Oh." She said and then looked towards Vidhushi.
"What about you Vidhushi?" Kaustuki asked her who was busy cleaning her fingers with the tissue. She was doing it so furiously and with such concentration that I was sure that tissue will tear.
"I have already picked the books. They are in my locker." She answered raising her head.
"That's awesome. Even I did the same. Let's go then" Kaustuki responded while raising from her seat.
"Okay then you guys go ahead I'll pick those books and join you in the class" I stood up from my chair as well. They both looked at me and nodded their head while I was collecting my things from table.
"Are you sure? I mean we can accompany you." Vidhushi offered standing up as well.
"Yes. I'll be fine. See you"
Giving them one last glance and a half excited wave I quickly exited the cafe without looking in his direction. As tempting as it sounded looking at him, I had other things to do. Like rush so that I can make to class in time. I cannot afford to be late on my first day.
Stupid! Stupid!
I ignored my mind. I knew it was my mistake. I should have already picked the books instead of running like crazy at the last moment. I have accounting as my first class and Mr Steve is our professor according to the schedule provided my Miss Nancy.
A sigh slipped out of my lips as soon as I spotted the classroom. Fortunately, I made it in time. I'm so glad that it was on first floor itself. I seriously didn't have much energy left. I did run like a crazy in the hallways.
After I had collected the books that weighed like fifty kilograms I had to find the locker room which was like two miles away from the office. Then I had to find my locker and put that small key inside and open the locker. With mustering so much grace I arranged the books inside I had already wasted so much of time. So I took the subject book and rushed outside the locker room followed by running in the hallways.
Once I entered the classroom I glanced around, taking all the new faces I'll be seeing till my graduation. One thing I believe I learned in my nineteen years of life is never to steal your gaze from others, meet their eyes and talk. It shows your courage, it shows them you're not afraid of them.
There were like fifty of them already seated, occupying the last benches. I scanned the classroom and halted my gaze after spotting my friends. Vidhushi waved at me from her seat and I waved back, relieved to find her. Clutching the books tightly I made my way towards her and settled beside her. She had reserved the seat for me.
"Thanks" I huffed while sitting on my chair. She waved it off with a smile. Bending down and over viewing Vidhushi I found Kaustuki who was talking already to some boy. She was very friendly.
"Who is she talking to?" I asked turning towards Vidhushi with a curious look.
"Jignesh Patel. He's an Indian guy." Vidhushi giggled while taking out her book from the bag. I shook my head. Kaustuki seriously isn't a silent person.
"How does she find us?" I exclaimed. Vidhushi shook her head with a smile playing in her lips.
Jignesh resembled a geek, with his black hair oiled and set perfectly, not a hair out of place. His round black glasses snuggled against his skin like they were glued to his skin. He had his dark brown button down shirt with sleeves buttoned up.
"How does she do that? Did she hug him also?" I asked resting my back against the chair. Vidhushi looked at me and shook her head.
"I thought she would but he looked really scared with her expression so she settled for a handshake" Vidhushi whispered while leaving closer to me. There was no need actually to do that because Kaustuki was sitting on the other side of row, there was atleast fifteen inches space between Vidhushi's seat and hers.
"That must have been funny" I chuckled, the imaginary scene playing in my mind.
"Oh you missed a good show" Vidhushi snickered to which I sighed. I really did miss it. It would have been fun to see Kaustuki in that state. Well I really hope that this crazy day to be over, soon.