CHAPTER ONE ~ 1869-2

2961 Words

Lady Grayson had taken a great deal of trouble. She discovered those that were being sung in London in what were known as the ‘Music Halls’. They were a new development from the old Supper Rooms where the people ate and drank and, when they did so, they were entertained by performers of all types and varieties. There were acrobats, comedians and musicians, some professional, some amateur. When the singers became popular, their songs were whistled and sung in the streets and, whenever they appeared at the Music Hall, the audience applauded, cheered and sang with them. Champagne Charlie was one of the songs that had every errand boy whistling it. Gilbert the Filbert was another. It was songs such as these that Lady Grayson sent to Florence for Donela. The songs with their lilting tune

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