
1745 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV The evening had arrived, more like the night, midnight. Chimin had his set of clothes sent over by none other than Jungkook, they had to look professional and Jungkook handpicked his clothes not that he was complaining, the clothe shouted riches lucky for him it wasn't a suit but something else because he wasn't going to appear at the party as one of the business men but Jungkook's partner, he sighed to that. He looked at Jimin who today surprisingly slept early, he kissed his forehead and quietly left his room heading to his and got dressed as soon as possible he had half an hour to get ready someone's gonna pick him up. He looked at himself in the mirror and was reminded how he got here for the party. "I have a party to attend" Jungkook announced while Chimin was sat looking at him and Yoongi exploiting the statues decorated in Jungkook's office "you need security?" Chimin asked "I already have that, but...." Namjoon was silently snickering at the corner as he watched Jungkook fumble with his words "but he needs a partner who will sway away the flies" the two looked at him confused "what?" Yoongi asked with a confused face "he needs a partner dummy!" Chimin threw a pen at him Yoongi successfully dodging it "Every woman wants to throw themselves at the CEO" Namjoon filled them in "i mean with the way you look..." Chimin looked at Jungkook up and down with a smirk on "you admit I am good looking" Jungkook held his gaze with a poker face, "jeez the both of you stop flirting your missing the point" Namjoon scolded and the two gave him his attention "so you basically need a girl.." Yoongi pondered "but on another point that won't be necessary" Namjoon grinned like he had just finished the toughest puzzles "why?" they asked "If I look at the two of you....you don't need those money leaches, all they'll do is create scandles later for you..." they thought for a moment before it clicked in "won't that be way...." Chimin wasn't liking the idea "too perfect? Yeah of course" and end of the discussion", Chimin was going to be Jungkook's partner. . Jungkook had to reach earlier for the event, not that it started at midnight, it started hours ago it's just him was going to be seen later which was now, he had a brief meeting with one of the shareholders of Kim organization, he was so adamant to meet Jungkook and discuss it in the most possible way and here he was, turns out he wanted to sell the company to Jungkook who promised to think about it, "Doesn't Kim sound so familiar?" Jungkook asked Namjoon who stood beside him the whole time, "have an investigation about it" Namjoon nodded as they looked back at the man, he looked nervous there was something fishy about him, and with that the meeting was done and joined the rest for the party. "Hello Mr.Jeon" a lady voice called him and looking back to that familiar voice he was met by Lisa, a well known top model "Hello Lisa" Jungkook greeted back with a much less enthusiasm, "c'mon don't be like that, the past is in the past" she waved her hand off like it was something little happened years ago, that explains the scar on his face, he had the urge to roll his eyes "Mr Jeon where is your partner or you don't have one" the group of men snickered as they made fun of it, "or I can be yours tonight like the good old time days" Lisa offered shamelessly and started to cling onto Jungkook's arm who still hadn't lost his calm, "c'mon you can't refuse the lady" those old bastards really had big mouths to speak forever. "Who said i didn't have a partner?" he untangled his arm from Lisa's who looked at him confused "my partner is here..." he introduced as they looked behind to see the said person. Chimin gracefully walked inside the ball room looking gorgeous in those skinny ripped jeans, a gold colour silk shirt loosily hanging on his shoulders tucked in to one side, and reveling his milky neck, his hair in a half pony tail, he got everyone's attention at that moment he walked in, he stole the spot light got everyone drooling with that kind of confidence. "Damn who's he, he looks gorgeous" Jungkook heard one of the old men say shamelessly, "baby boy looking for someone, I can help" and now they were starting to flirt in front of him, Chimin just passed by the men and stood in front of Jungkook with this kind of smile, "You called Mr Jeon" uff that hit straight to Jungkook's weak heart first time Chimin called him like that and it was making him feel things, "you came" he gave him a smile and pulled him by his waist, the other getting comfortable to his side, "baby boy, I can give you twice than him you know, come to daddy" they were trying yet again "I'll triple it" another added as Jungkook rolled his eyes, they always do this at these kind of parties, "I have everything I need, Only Mr Jeon can satisfy my needs" that was like a slap to the face to the others, mostly Lisa, she was watching all these like a hawk, she didn't know Jungkook had someone and what was this lovey dovey sight, she didn't't like it a bit, she was always Jungkook's "but we all know who Jungkook likes, right honey" she spoke as she looked at Chimin with these ugly stares "it's obvious who his present is, right daddy.." ok that caught Jungkook completely off guard, did he call him daddy, "ofcourse baby your mine" he pulled him by the waist closer and Chimin trying hard no to blush, it was getting hot in here, Lisa was ignored as the two seemed to be in their own world, Lisa was so annoyed 'no one can replace me' her toxic trait supplied and walked away "finally she's gone what a b***h" Chimin rolled his eyes "were you jealous baby" Jungkook held his chin as he stared down at him "she's so annoying" Chimin humphed "wait...." something seemed to make him realize "why are we acting like a couple arguing" Jungkook only chuckled "maybe because we are" that earned a slap on his chest "ouch baby that hurts" Jungkook pout making Chimin want to smack him again, he was going to do so until he realized Lisa who was starring how about making her mad, "did it hurt" Chimin leaned down and pecked Jungkook's chest that was slightly peeking out, Jungkook froze, he wasn't expecting that, "are we still acting?" Jungkook wanted to know, Chimin only took his tie and pulled him to a nearby table, he looked like a puppy on a leash obeying it's master and Chimin tried to ignore the sight, did he like such things, he shook his head to remove those unholy ideas in him. "Your performance was lit" Jungkook was impressed as they clicked their glasses and took a sip from the expensive champagne "was it convincing?" Jungkook nodded "very much" he added "she looked annoying and you didn't seem to acknowledge her presence, had to remind her where she stands right now" Chimin shrugged "she's just the past" Chimin could see how Jungkook gulped down the whole glass, I guess he held some bitter memories and he felt like the need to make him forget it, "let's not spoil the mood wanna dance" Chimin was so bold while he stood and gave Jungkook his hand who gladly took it "why do you suddenly want to dance?" Jungkook asked while Chimin walked them to the centre, "because I want to now obey or I'll leave you here" Chimin warned "Was that a threat?" Jungkook asked with a smile "more like a death wish" uff Jungkook wants that. The music was a slow sensual vibe and a couple dance first of all, Jungkook placed his hand on that waist and had to suppress that groan that he almost let out, 'so small, it fits so perfectly' his brain supplied, Chimin had his arms to his neck and the height difference made it perfect, they were so close that they felt each other's scents, 'except the cotton candy scent from Jimin, he's more like honey and lemon' Jungkook tried in him not to lean down and just....... Chimin wasn't any different, he could feel that manly scent of Jungkook, it actually suited his personality, he could finally feel the other's muscline body now that it was close to his, he looked up to Jungkook and studied his face as they swayed to the rythm of the song. He noticed a small scar to his cheek, his perfect nose, a sharp jaw, those pink lips, Jungkook was the definition of handsome in so many ways, 'no wonder everyone wants to be in your bed' he figured, 'now that I took a closer look, he ain't that bad' Chimin was just lost in him, the moment they made eye contact, there was so many words in that silent moment but right now something else was screaming louder, lust, Chimin found himself unintentionally look at Jungkook's lips, wondering how it would feel- "uh excuse me" he quickly walked out and headed to the bathroom, every second was getting hotter, "what was that" Jungkook pondered... Chimin back to the bathroom washed his face to wake up from this kind of feeling he too doesn't get it but one thing for sure, those lips looked inviting. "Chim are you in there?" he heard Jungkook's worried voice. Chimin walked to the door annoyed "how many times did I tell you not to call me Chim- mph" the door was kicked closed as Jungkook suddenly attacked the others lips shutting him up, he broke the kiss and looked at Chimin who was wide eyed, but he was more surprised when he was pulled by his tie and connected to those plump lips in a very hungry kiss, "uh..mmm.." Jungkook picked him up by his thighs and made him sit on the sink without breaking the kiss, "uh..mm fuck..." he groaned as they left each other breathless eating off their faces hungryly, that was enough flirting for the night. . .
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