
1573 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV Jimin had gone to the bathroom to do his business that morning and when he was done trying to get out, the door was suddenly pushed back closed "uh...what?" he was confused "bring it here" he heard the other guys instruct from outside and the next thing he knew was getting drenched with the coldest water making him squirm surprised, the door opened and a clothe was covered to his head "no...what are you doing" he tried to fight them off "teaching you a lesson" they Snickered as he was pulled outside and they gang beat him up. "Please- stop..." he begged for a thousand times but they didn't listen but rather continued to hurt him in the possible way but not touching his face, no one should know yet about it, he pulled his hands up for shielding him from the painful kicks but it didn't work out, and after a few painful minutes they left him there laying on the floor lying like a dead log, it was too much he couldn't move a limb, "we'll come back later..." they threatened and walked out leaving him in his own agony the pain numbing almost his senses, he sobbed on the ground as he felt helpless, why couldn't he fight for himself? He felt useless... . . "Jimin this is getting out of hand, I think you should report this to the office" Ann the school nurse suggested worriedly "you've been coming here almost everyday....your wounds previously haven't yet healed" Jimin was only silent only he knows why he has reached this point, DAYS BACK "do you know who you're messing up with making a report on?" his homeroom teacher asked while he sat at the table, Jimin in front of him fidgeting with his fingers, "but....he's...he.." he couldn't even say it properly "be glad your still in this school or else...." he continued to suggest to him, well the teacher wasn't helping either, to an extent of advising him not to step foot in the principle's office, Jimin felt hopeless, all those teachers don't believe him and now who was he going to turn to. "Let me take away your pain...." Jimin looked up and saw how the man's aura changed and started to get touchy all of a sudden "y...you don't need to" he quickly ran out of that office reminding himself not to step foot in there. "Please don't tell anyone...." Jimin requested as he put back his shirt on and a hoodie on top at least that kept him in a warm safety "anytime you need my help I'll be here" Jimin only nodded and walked out. "Huh...." Yoongi almost stumbled when someone passed by him, he wanted to shout at him but he looked familiar "huh, Jimin?? Infirmary?" He was confused but shrugged it off, maybe it wasn't his business. . . DAYS LATER.. "Jimin... let's go-" Chimin found himself stop speaking when he found the room empty, "hmm that's odd" he was kind of confused, Jimin never goes without him, just then he was about to go out something caught his attention, it was a white shirt, but why was it red? Curiously he walked back in and took the shirt that was peeking from under the bed and his eyes went wide, "b..blood!" and not just little blood, he could feel himself panicking from within, what was Jimin hiding from him? "Come to think about it, Jimin has been acting weird for almost a week now...." he was reminded that one time their mom made their fav food but Jimin never came down to eat, and when he tried to call out for him, his room door was always locked he didn't get to see him, and since then they barely spoke. "Why didn't I realize this sooner.." he frowned deeply "how could i be so blind..." he ran out of the room immediately, what was his brother hiding from him he needed to know. . "Hey what's up with the mask, is it a trend?" Hobi teased while he nudged the other ignoring his silent groans, "I just wanted to put it on, don't want the rest catching the flue" he lied, "oh, it looks cool should I get one too, and it should look colourful" he was already planning while Jimin nodded with a smile, if only Hobi knew what laid beneath that mask. Jimin had gone out for awhile to pick up his books and even before he reached the stairs he didn't mind to look down and slipped before he even knew it, "ahhh...." he screamed, he knew he wasn't going to survive that fall, 'is this how am gonna die' prayed it wasn't true and fortunately for him his prayers were heard. "Gotcha ya!" It was Taehyung who caught him at the right moment "Ha....." he pant as he held onto his chest "thank you so much, I wasn't looking....." Taehyung looked at where he had stepped "or more like someone set this s**t up" he frowned, while Jimin looked down, there was gel all the floor. "That bastard had to freaking interfere" Taemin stomped away in anger "Jimin is someone actually setting you up?" Taehyung asked concerned and Jimin awkwardly laughed "uh..why would someone do that, maybe someone poured it by mistake" as if it made any sense "please be careful let's go" Jimin nodded and walked beside Taehyung, now thinking about that earlier incident he's starting to get scared for his life, he looked back and just as expected he found a few of them trailing behind him following his every move. The class was noisy when the both reached the door "huh what's happening inside?" Taehyung asked curiously as he looked around "what are you even yapping about" Jimin could recognize that angry voice "what is he doing here?" he quickly walked in and was met by Chimin looking around "Jimin! there you are" he sighed in relief "what are you doing here...?" Jimin was surprised to see his brother to this other side of the school, he barely stepped here "came to see you" he shrugged and everyone was out bursting yet again, They started to call them names and how shamelessly they stood in front of everyone showing public affection "Jimin I need to talk to you" Chimin wanted to hold Jimin's hand who backed away instantly like he was a plague or something, ok now that hit kinda deep, "what is it?" he was so confused and surprised at the same time, truly he could see how Jimin had changed the past few days and it's not a good change at all "Chim we already look bad in front of everyone, let's not do this here" he said nervously and fidgeting, Chim could literally read him, this situation was kinda awkward and the noisy wasn't helping. "Shut the f**k up!!!" Just one loud shout and everyone went silent, Chimin had already lost it, "I don't know where you twits get the time to make baseless rumors, what's so bad about two brothers who love each other, and confront in any way possible?" "You don't seem like brothers at all" one Snickered and the rest followed "shut up!" and it was silent again, "Chim please, I don't want you get caught up in all this" he sadly said almost in a whisper and Chimin was hurt to see his brother not opening up but rather trying to save him, "we can't change the way everyone thinks and I don't want you get caught up on all this" he gave him a tight smile, Chimin was speechless, has it always been this bad after the lies they made them into, he remembers the bloody clothes and now it started to make sense "excuse me am going to the bathroom" Jimin didn't want to break down infront of everyone and ran out leaving Chimin wide eyed and confused. Jungkook was just done washing his hands when someone bumped into him "s..sorry" he heard a broken voice before the person was about to pass by him "wait!" he held his arm which earned him a groan, looking up to him it was Jimin and why was he crying.... "Jimin what happened?" Jungkook asked with a frown as he held onto Jimin's arm who seemed to struggle to be let go, "it...none of your business" he didn't mean to scream at him, but he was angry, angry at himself "it's my business to get worried for you" Jungkook shouted back and quickly tried to calm down "tell me what's wrong" he asked again and Jimin wasn't able to speak but only sobbed more, he removed his mask felt like he couldn't breath "J.. Jungkook" he called out helplessly "it...hurts" he weakly says and Jungkook didn't even know what to do but one thing was running in his mind right now, "tell me the names, and I swear I'll make them pay for making you cry like this" that dint sound like Jungkook at all it even made Jimin scared for a second but all his body could do was to fall in those always awaiting arms that held him back eagerly "shss it will be ok...." he soothed but Jimin only shook his head "it...won't" he cried "I promise you Jimin it will be ok I'll make them pay" and that was a promise..... . .
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