
1546 Words

Venus’s POV After washing my face for the umpteenth time, to make sure I was not dreaming, I looked at my face again, tears were already flowing freely. I couldn’t believe I ignored my mother until her health deteriorated to this stage. “Vee, you can come out now please.” Garett’s soothing voice called, reminding me of where I was. I walked out with wobbly legs, and fell into his waiting arms. “We should leave here for now.” He suggested, but I shook my head in disagreement. He led me to where I was sitting between him and Gordon in the doctor’s office. “I’m sorry, but neither of them can donate their liver to her, because they didn’t match.” The doctor gave another bad news in one day. Ever since the doctor told me about my mom’s sickness, I’ve been throwing up nonstop and I knew it

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