She’s awake

1310 Words

GARETH'S POV “Gareth, where are you?!” I heard Gordon's voice before I caught sight of him running down the hallway with a panicked expression on his face. It was a look I was familiar with because it was also etched on my face. “I'm here, Gord.” I called out to him and his features momentarily relaxed as our eyes locked. Moving with long strides, he closed the distance between us and threw his arms around me. Usually I would protest but I needed the hug as much as he did. We stayed like that for some time and only withdrew when we saw the doctor approaching us. “How is she, doctor?” Gordon asked as soon as the doctor got close enough to us. “Is she going to be okay?” I added hurriedly, clenching my fists by my sides. “And the babies?” Gordon's eyes flew to my face and I could see the

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