The goddess decisions

1113 Words

VENUS’S POV. I watched a smile curl up her lips, making her wrinkled face more wrinkled. “Is it in the car?” She asked again, curiosity and excitement lighting up her expression. I was curious to know as well. I was curious to know what the twin had in store, what they had up their sexy sleeves. Yes, sleeves down or up; they were sexy as hell. “Of course not, granny. Venus, here is the surprise we have for you.” Garett said, with a big grin on his face, like he just announced her winning a trophy, only, this time, the trophy was me. How was I the surprise? I wondered. “She is?” Grandma Cecilia questioned, her expression changing to that of confusion. Her eyes ran over me, with her brows arched as she tried to make sense of the nonsense that her grandkids had just said. I was st

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