Meeting him again

1477 Words

GRANDMA CELIA'S POV. I kept my old phone by my side for two days straight, still, I got nothing from him. No calls, no text, no update. I was thinking of calling him or probably giving the job out to someone else. The sudden loud sound of my phone ringing jolted me from my reverie, and I stretched my left hand to pick it up, bringing it closer to myself. It was an unknown number, so I hesitated at first, pondering on whether to pick it or not, but I knew I was on the safer side because barely anyone knew of the line. "Grim-reaper." I heard him say, as I finally answered the phone, and I heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, time for good news. “Did you find anything?” I asked, without greeting him first. I was eager to know who she was and what she wanted. “Yes, I did.” He responded in

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