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WILLIAM "Sir how are you feeling now?" A doctor asked William while giving him a last look before he took his stethoscope.   "I'm fine, this is nothing compared to what had happened to me before," he answered as he quickly got up from the bed and took his black coat near the table. He took a sip of his black coffee and cleared his throat.    "What's that poison?"    "I still have to examine this thing before I can complete it. I advise that even though I know you will not follow me but it's my job to tell you my advice, I advise you to take a rest please it's necessary, take the medications that I have given to you, and I suggest that if you take a rest then you should go on vacation. That's all, I need to go. I have a patient to go to," he said and turned his heels through the open door.      "One of my men will drive you. I'll take your advice."   He took his phone out his coat pocket and dialed Eric and within just a ring he immediately answered.    "Master William" "Eric I need you to pack Victoria's things, necessary things. We will go on vacation," he stated and didn't wait for Eric to answer and he instantly ended the call. He winced in pain when he abruptly stood up. He looked at his wound, it was perfectly bent and there was no blood leaking out. He was also thankful to his doctor, he knows what to do.       It was a sunny day and it was a perfect day to go outside and have some fun but not for her. Victoria needed to study, her class was already in half of the class when she enrolled and she needed to catch up before the examination. Victoria is an intelligent girl and she can easily adapt the lessons in her class way back when she was studying. She was busy writing her notes when someone knocked on her room.      "Victoria are you up? Open this door please." Victoria hurriedly stands up from her seat and opens the door slowly.     "How may I help you, Sir Eric?"   "Master William just called and ordered me to pack your things," Eric said and entered her room immediately, Victoria looked at him worriedly. Did she do something wrong? Does her Master want her to be gone? She was about to cry when Eric looked at her with a surprise.     "Why does that look like Victoria?"    "Did I do something wrong? Why are you packing my things?"    "No, no dear," Eric softly laughs and stops what he was doing.    "Master William wants to go on a vacation and you will go with him, that's an order."   "Vacation?"    "Yes, vaca-"      "Why? No, I won't go with him, I'm just starting my class and I can't just go elsewhere."   "That'll be away, it's just two weeks my dear. And I believe Master William needs it."     "What do you mean you need it?"    "I know you know what he is and what he's capable of and I tell you he has gone through a lot of sorrows, grief, difficulties, and challenges. You may not see it in him but deep down in his character he is just a man yearning for comfort and love," Eric stated and started packing her things nicely and neatly.    "Okay, this will do."    "Just a bag?"      "Of course, Master William likes to travel light but if in case this is a shortage for you then he will surely make it up for you. Trust me, he is not that rude, you two can get along I know that," and with that Eric left.     "Vacation?"    *** Boracay Twelve Noon "Wow! This looks like in the magazine I read! I'm here! Wow, I can't believe I'll be able to step here in Bora!" Victoria exclaimed as she roamed her eyes in the sea.    The wind was whispering and the coconut trees we're slowly swaying playing around the waves of the sea. The view of the color of the sea is bluish to greenish and you can visibly look at the corals and starfish in the water. Victoria gasps in excitement and walks her barefoot in the sand. She didn't mind her Master, she was furious all the time they traveled, he wasn't talking to her all the way, it was like he was ignoring her. For God's sake, how did Eric tell her that he wants her companion if this is how he treated her. For goodness sake they will be together for two weeks, Eric didn't go with them for he will take care of things on William's absence in his company.      "That man, old grumpy man. He faces is not a vacation it's f*****g hell," Victoria hissed in the thin air and plays her feet in the water when suddenly William shouted.    "Victoria! What are you doing there? It's hot, let's go!" William shouted while scrunching his forehead and she can tell that his eyes were already furious even though he's wearing sunglasses. She still admires those physics of him, those masculine thighs, arms, and his body. Victoria shook her head.   "What am I thinking?" Victoria grunted under her breath and hurriedly walked into his direction and she freely felt the sands in her feet. She can't take away the smile in her face as she runs.      William hissed under his breath as the sunshine strikes in his eyes, he winced as he was not used to it. It had been a long time since he took his last vacation and he was also worried about his company that is why he keeps ignoring her. He was about to take their items of luggage when he noticed that Victoria was not beside him. He instantly looked for her, his heartbeat was beating so fast, he rushed roamed his eyes around and took a deep sigh when his eyes landed on her. He thought someone kidnaps her, or his enemy was somewhere hiding or targeting them.    He cursed under his breath and he was about to go mad when he saw the glint of happiness in her eyes and excitement in her lips. She was smiling as she walked in the water and feeling the sands in her feet. She looked like a child staring at the water and was busy looking for a shell.    "Victoria! What are you doing there? It's hot let's go!" he shouted and he could see in her face that she was a bit irritated, he wanted to curse and smack himself for his sudden behavior, it was supposed to be a vacation mood but he just ruined it on their first step. But why suddenly he thought of being with her on a vacation and only just the two of them? He thought and he doesn't even have an answer to his question.    As she approached his direction his heart was pounding so hard and fast that he could not define why. He can feel butterflies in his stomach yet he finds it gay but as of this time that is what he feels. He stared at her bewildered and she was like running in a slow-motion and wind was whirling in her hair as she smiled sweetly in the sun shining in her face. Her beautiful curved body swayed as she ran, he was mesmerized and didn't notice that his mouth was hanging. He instantly snaps himself out and returns his composure.   "Sorry Master, I just got excited," she says as she finally approached him. She can now see her closely, not unlike when we're in the house.    "It's okay, we need to go," he stated and turned his back on her.    "A yacht?" "Yes," he answered as they both walked on the rail. "Why in the yacht? I prefer here on the beach," she said as she looked at the beach with sadness in her eyes. She wanted the air and the sand of the beach that William observed.    "We'll be on the beach, don't worry but I want to drive this yacht and be free just for a little while and this is where we will rest and sleep. I don't rent rooms or cottages when I have a yacht. This is a history supreme yacht by the way," he stated and looked at her, she was busy roaming her eyes inside. The gold and platinum adorn the yacht from its base to the dining area, deck, rails, and anchor.    "Wait is this made of gold?"   "Yes," he shortly answered and didn't bother to explain about the yacht.   "Okay? So where is my room Master? I want to change my clothes," Victoria said as she held the hem of her dress, the wind was whirling her dress and she doesn't seem to be comfortable because she is just wearing underwear inside her dress. She didn't even wear a bra because the back of her dress was open and doesn't need to wear a brassiere.    "It has only one room and that is our room, the master's suite. Go left here, go change," William instructed plainly to her. He doesn't want her to see that he was affected by her dress. He wanted to be mad at her for what she is wearing right now, it's too revealing which causes men to turn their heads on her. Victoria politely obliged and followed his direction. She easily finds their room, she turns the doorknob and was surprised at what she had witnessed inside.    An aqua vista panoramic wall aquarium and this room were made of gold and platinum. She was sure of that, she had seen it in magazines she was reading. She can't help herself but be amazed and her mouth was hanging wide open.     "This man can waste money anytime he wants," she muttered under her breath as she touches the wall. She hurriedly walks in the bed and opens her luggage. She searched for a suitable to wear but all of her things that Eric had packed were shorts, sleeveless blouses, and dresses, and what was worst of all is that she didn't even check what Eric had packed. She didn't carry her undergarments. Eric wouldn't do that, how dumb of her that she didn't even think about it. Now, what will she do?    She cursed under her breath and didn't notice that William was in front of her looking at her questioningly.     "What are you cursing?" William asked as he put his hands in his pocket. Damn what a gorgeous man she is looking at.      "N-nothing"      "You know I hate lying Victoria."    "I do not suppose to tell you this because this is a woman thing and I'm not comfortable to tell you-"     "Tell me now before I get mad," he sternly said while staring at her intensely which causes her to look at him nervously.    "I, I-"   "Tell me I won't bite."     "I forgot to bring undergarments with me," she blushed as she finally blurted it out that she can't stand his stares.   "That's okay, I already saw what's hiding behind those clothes and besides there's only two of us here," he stated and she was not sure if she was just hallucinating because she saw a small smile crossed in his lips.   She was about to speak when he already turned his back and walked out. She was not comfortable in her situation now, not wearing a bra is okay but underwear is not okay, she wanted to slap herself for forgetting such an important thing for her. She had no choice anymore but to wear shorts and a white fitted v-neck blouse.
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