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2 days later *Saige* I breathe in deeply before walking into the gym, I am always a bit torn when I come here to work out … I still feel a bit misplaced, it is like every other woman here is ten years younger and half my size. But I love working out so I refuse to let it hold me back. Also people are usually nice and smiling, so it is mostly my own insecurities. “Saige ! Hi”. As I walk into the changing room Molly, a young woman who works at my place looks up. “I had no idea you were a member here too”. “Hi Molly”. I give her a smile. She is one of those blonde size zero girls who looks like she stepped out of a commercial. She is wearing a cute set of matching shorts and a top. “Yeah I come here quite often”. She smiles in that, a little too friendly way women has reserved for each other. “I think that is so great … I have such a respect for women like you doing something about it. I am sure you will lose weight if you keep it up”. I just smile and put my bag on the bench. I am not actually trying to lose weight, and I hate that people assume it just because I am not a skinny little thing. I want to be stronger so I can defend myself … and be healthy for my own and my daughters sake, but I have no desire to be skinny. Of course if a fairy told me she could dazzle me in fairy dust and give me a perfect slim body I wouldn’t say no … but I realise that I am never gonna be some perky and skinny twenty year old, I wasn’t even when I was twenty. I am comfortable with my size and changing it would take me basically starving myself and having to deny myself everything good for the rest of my life … no thanks, not worth it. “I think it is so brave of you to just wear what you want and not care what people think”. Another overly friendly smile, as her eyes slide over me. I look down on myself, I am wearing leggings and a loose t-shirt over my sports bra. “Uhm okay”. “Yeah most … bigger girls feel uncomfortable wearing leggings, because they kinda show everything and well, they don’t make your backside look smaller either”. She laughs like what she just said was cute To be honest I like how they make my backside look a bit more round and perky, also I mostly wear them because it is the most comfortable for working out and when you are sweating. As I said I am not doing this to lose weight, I think I have lost a few pounds, but it’s also due to being on my feet so much. What I have noticed though is my body becoming a bit more toned, less … pudgy … as I build muscles, which I am only happy about. But to be honest, I can’t really help letting her words get to me … just a bit. “I need to go get started … so I can get back to my daughter”. I say grabbing my water bottle. “See you at work”. “Yeah see you, watch out not to hurt yourself”. She gives me a small wave. I curse under my breath as I step into the gym. Mostly something about young women hardly out of their teens and how life will hit them when they hit thirty. Because I am so focused on my own emotions and thoughts it takes a moment to realise that there is a weird feeling in the gym … like an electricity in the air. Next I realise that no one seems to be doing anything but clearly has their focus on something, or someone. Then I hear counting, in a loud excited voice like a sports presenter. “Forty-eight, forty-nine …”. I can’t help walking forward, wanting to see what is going on. I mean we humans tend to be curious when something out of the ordinary is going on. And for some reason it is like people part, letting me through … a bit like something is pulling me forward. There are two men, clearly having a pull up competition. And a third man is counting loudly, making a chopping motion with his arm for each number called out loud. “Fifty-three, fifty-four …”. I look at the closest, or his back as that is the part facing me. He is wearing one of those loose bodybuilding tank tops and black shorts. He is lean but muscular and looks strong and in shape, but he is clearly struggling now. “Fifty-six”. The guy counting says. Then my eyes fall on the other man. And a small gasp escapes me. He is naked from the waist up and his back is a magnificent landscape of perfect muscles. Broad, strong and perfect as it tapers into a narrower waist, and from there into a perfect looking ass and long strong legs in blue shorts. His shoulders are wide and the muscles in them and his arms are bulging with each lift, which clearly draws a lot of female attention. “Fifty-eight, fifty-nine …”. The man counts. The smaller man lets himself dump to the ground with a grunt, then he grins. “Okay, you win”. The man in the blue shorts lets go, but just with his left arm, making a sixtieth pull up with just one arm before jumping down. “Show off”. The other man grins. “Just putting you in your place”. The man in the blue shorts grin, then he turns and I gasp again … it is him, ‘Mr way to handsome sometime dress wearing weirdo’.
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