Hitching a plan

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*Milo* “That bastard”. I huff angrily after Morgan tells me Saige’s story, anger surging through me in a way I have never experienced before. “If I get my hands on him …”. ‘Let’s find him and turn his ass into a summer hat for himself to wear’. Remus growls. I grind my teeth, trying to tame both my anger and my wolf. ‘I actually agree with you this time’. “So your Wolf, is he violent in general or just when it comes to protecting your mate ?” Morgan asks in a both curious but also slightly doubtful tone. “Because Saige has seen enough violence … she needs a good man not an aggressive one”. I look at her with surprise, it is the second time she reacts to Remus' thoughts. “Can you hear him or something ?” “Sweetie it is written all over your face for anyone with the slightest perception to read”. She grins. “So is he ?” Shaking my head I deny it. “He is really like a big fluffy puppy … He is just not used to having a mate and …”. ‘A puppy … what the f**k !’ He roars in my head. ‘I’ll show you puppy you …’. “Yeah total loveable puppy …”. I plaster on a smile. “All cuddly ..”. His voice is not stopping. ‘I can rip off your …’. “And loving … He is just slightly protective”. I tell her. ‘… and piss on your grave’. He finishes off his tirade. Morgan looks at me with one eyebrow raised. “He just threatened to murder you didn’t he ?” “Yeah”. I admit with a sigh. “In a most violent and degrading way”. “But he is a total puppy … yeah sure”. She does grin as she says it though. I give her a small shrug and a sheepish smile. “He is more bark than bite though”. She jumps up to sit on a low wall. “And you ? You are a future Alpha … to be honest my experience is that most alpha’s are arrogant controlling s**t heads”. ‘Did she just call us …’. Remus is instantly there. ‘No, and shut it, the adults are talking’. I close off my attention, and refuse to listen to his excessive cursing. I focus my attention on Morgan, leaning my hip against the wall. “Probably we are not the best judge of our own character … I guess even a villain sees himself as righteous … But I strive not to be arrogant, and I am pretty sure I am not controlling, as for being a shithead, well I guess it depends who you ask and when … I mean I am not flawless …”. *Morgan* I hold up my hand with a small laugh. “Okay Wolf boy, no need to give me your whole life story … You will treat Saige right if you win her trust, right ? And protect her if needed ?” “With my last breath without hesitation”. He swears. “Damn, why are you wolves always so theatrical”. I half roll my eyes. “A simple yes would have been enough”. He chuckles softly. “I guess it might be a Wolf thing … but yes I will”. “Good”. I smile at him. “It will not be easy, but I will help you win her … she deserves happiness”. “Thank you … so much”. He bounces on the spot. “I will do anything …”. Werewolves can be a handful at times. “Calm down wolf boy, I am not gonna throw you a stick”. “I sense you have had some bad experiences with wolves before”. He says, looking curiously at me. “You can say that”. I shake my head, it is not really something I want to talk about, and especially not with him. “But this is not about me … it is about you and Saige and how you win her over … as you realise she has baggage that makes her fearful and suspicious of men … and to be honest you are way too handsome it will be a disadvantage”. He looks at me, then down himself. “Uhm what ? Too handsome”. “For Saige …”. I start explaining. A growl escapes his chest. “She is a Goddess, she deserves…”. I hold up my hand. “Calm it wolf boy and let me speak …”. “Sorry”. He mumbles. “As I was trying to say, you are too handsome for Saige, in her perseption”. I give him a smile telling him to have patience another time. “She will be suspicious because she thinks men like you would go for someone younger, thinner and … prettier … and to be honest mostly they do … both in the human world and among wolves”. He shakes his head. “The mate bond …”. “Didn’t that friend of yours think you should reject her ?” I ask. “And he won’t be the only one. A huge part of men is obsessed with youth and beauty in women … actually this speaks highly of you that you accept her as she is”. “I don’t deserve praise for that”. He shakes his head again, but this time the meaning is different. “To me she is absolutely stunning”. I give him an approving smile. “Perfect answer Don Juan … okay then …Listen carefully and take notes, mentally at least. This is what we are gonna do…”.
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