A clothes emergency

1225 Words
*Saige* “Hi girl, hi Luni”. I am greeted by my dog Luna as I walk through the door to my little house. She is a small fluffy terrier like dog that we adopted from a shelter right after moving her, as Enya had always wanted a dog but Kieran wouldn’t allow it. Right now she is happily jumping around me, snapping at my fingers in a playful manner, that is what she does to tell me she wants to go for a walk. “Sure girl, just a minute, I have to talk to Morgan first”. “Hi Saige”. I hear a voice from the living room. I walk in to see my best friend Morgan Bennet bend over her books. We used to go to school together, but she moved out here almost fifteen years ago. We kept in touch on social media, and when I moved here it was like we had never been apart. She is studying to be a vet and she looks after Enye when I work in the evening. “Hi Morgan, have she behaved ?” I put my bag down on the table. “Of course she has”. She looks up at me with a smile. “You raised an angel”. I grin and shake my head. “I adore my daughter, but she is definitely not an angel”. “She is when mom is not around”. She tells me with a wink. I half roll my eyes. “To be honest that does not surprise me at all … Is it okay if I just take Luna for a walk, or are you busy getting home ?” “No, it’s fine, it will give me time to finish up my things for tomorrow”. Says, indicating her books on the table. “So take your time”. “Thanks”. I walk towards the door. “Come Luni, let's go for a walk”. She jumps happily around my legs, as I walk to get her harness and leash, and soon we are on the way through the night. *Milo* I realise I have come too close to the town when a scent catches my nose, but before I can turn my wolf lets out a howl and one word explodes in my head ‘mate, mate, MATE’. Without thinking I move forward, almost like being drawn by a magnet. Wondering if a wolf from another pack is in town, or maybe a rogue. When I hear a bark I stop in my tracks and Remus is instantly there. ‘If our mate is a puddle I am out, just so you know’. ‘Our mate is not a poodle’. I kinda want to roll my eyes. ‘Maybe if she is a sexy german shepard’. He grins. I groan. ‘Please stop, our mate is not a dog’. Looking out from the trees on the path running along the forest I see a small fluffy dog trotting along. ‘She is a bit small’. Remus mumbles. ‘But also cute’. ‘For f***s sake that’s not …’. I start, but then I spot her and I lose my train of thoughts. The moonlight seems to accentuate her soft curvy figure as she walks closer, and I stare mesmerised at the sensual sway of her hips. The little dog starts barking, probably it can smell me, and she laughs warmly, the red curls bouncing around her face. ‘Okay definitely not a dog’. Remus mumbles softly. ‘Definitely not’. I feel a smile spread on my face. ‘We need to go meet her’. I change into my human form and am about to make my way through the scrubs to make myself known. ‘Hey ! Stop a moment Don Juan’. Remus yells in my head. ‘What !’ I reluctantly stop. ‘I want to go talk to her’. He chuckles. ‘I get that dum dum, and how fast do you think she will run seeing a huge naked man come out of the forest ? Most likely she doesn’t know about wolves’. Damn, he is right. She is clearly human, her scent tells me that. I would either have her run or attack me with pepper spray if I approach her naked. “What to do ?” I mumble to myself, looking around. ‘Clothes ?’ Remus suggests. I close my eyes for a moment. ‘And where do you suggest I get clothes, smart ass ?’ ‘How do I know, I am just a wolf’. He grins. ‘I don’t wear clothes’. Finally I spot some clothes that are drying in a nearby garden. Unfortunately most of it is kids clothes, so I have to grab the only thing that will cover me enough to be decent. *Saige* “What is it, Luni ?” I ask my dog as she once again starts barking at apparently nothing. She is focused on the trees, like she is seeing something I am not, and to be honest I start to feel slightly nervous. Suddenly a huge shadow steps out of the trees, and Luna gives an angry bark. She doesn’t like strangers much and especially not men. “Stay away from me”. I say loudly, trying to sound confident. “I have pepperspray”. He holds up his hands in surrender. “Please stay calm, I am not going to hurt you”. “Sure I am just gonna believe you, am I ?” I glare at him. He slowly steps forward out into the light. “Do I look dangerous to you ?” My eyes run over him, he is tall, very tall, like 6’4 and with broad shoulders and bulging biceps. In general he looks in great shape. And I havent even started on the tousled dark hair and the perfect face, worthy of a movie star … there is just one thing. “Uhm you are wearing a flowery summer dress, that is kinda weird”. “But not dangerous”. He grins, of course his teeth and smile is perfect too. “I had a … clothes emergency and this was the best I could find”. “Oh so not normally wearing dresses ?” I c**k one eyebrow. “And what is a clothes emergency ?” Another cheeky grin. “I would love to explain everything about it. Maybe we could like … grab a cup of coffee or something ? I am Milo by the way”. “With you dressed like that ?” I let my eyes glide over him … he has nice legs. “I am Saige, and thanks, but it has to be a no thanks, I need to get home to my daughter”. “Oh, you have a daughter ?” He asks. “Is she with your … husband ?” “I do yes and she is with a friend of mine …”. I slowly back off. “I need to go now, bye”. And with that I hurry off, he might be handsome, but what a weirdo.
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