A spiteful cousin

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*Milo* “I need to find her Nick”. I am pacing the room, unable to get her off my mind … Saige, my mate. I still remember her scent, like freshly cut grass, summer rain and peonies. “Well I have never seen you react to a female like this before”. He muses. “Did you really go introduce yourself wearing a dress ?” Remus chuckles in my mind. ‘He did, seriously that was a tik tok worthy moment’. “Well my other options were naked, pink satin lingerie or a pyjama size eight years with clowns on it … I think I made the sensible choice”. I say ignoring my wolf. “How do you go about finding a human when you only have a first name ?” He swallows his last giggle, then looks thoughtful for a minute. “You said her name was Saige, right ? That sounds an uncommon name, maybe you can find her with a search of the city register or something … you said she was walking a small dog, so she must live in the area”. “See that is why you are my friend, you always know what to do”. I grin at him. “Probably Conri can help me, he seems to have a good grasp on the computer stuff”. “Well yeah”. Nick mumbles. “If he wants to help you”. I grin. “Of course he wants to help, he is my cousin after all”. ‘Jealous little b***h would rather smother you in your sleep and pee on your dead body’. Remus huff, lets just say he doesn’t like my cousin or his wolf Rex. “Exactly”. Is all Nick says and for a moment I am unsure if he is answering me or Remus, but as we are in human form he can’t of course hear my wolf. ‘Okay, so Conri might be slightly jealous at times’. I admit to Remus. Maybe because his father is my father’s twin, and only two minutes is what decides that I am the future Alpha and Conri isn’t. “I will go ask him”. I say, heading for the door, ignoring both Nick and Remus mumbling something that sounds like ‘good luck’. I walk down the hallway to my cousin’s room and knock on the door, hearing a: “Yeah”. From the other side. I open the door and step in. “Hi Conri, I was wondering if you could help me find a woman …”. “So the almighty future Alpha can’t find a woman for himself ?” He gives me a half grin that seems not really positive, more mocking than inviting. Remus growls. ‘Please let me fong him’. ‘Seriously you feel a need to go all dark ages on him’. I try to hide my grin. ‘Oh yes, wheels and steep is also an option’. He lets out a sound that tells me the idea amuse him. I shake my head. ‘I don’t even know what you are talking about’. ‘Educate yourself man’. My wolf grins. ‘It was when …’. My cousin clears his throat. “Earth to weirdo, I asked if my dear cousin and future Alpha needs help getting himself some tail”. “Uhm not like that”. I stop myself from rolling my eyes, as I want him to help me. “It’s someone I met, all I know is that she is human and her first name is Saige … my guess is that she is in her late twenties”. “A human ? What do you want with some human female ?” He narrows his eyes at me. Remus is instantly there. ‘Make up a lie, tell him she owes you money … or she has a great ass and you want a ride, anything but the truth’. But lying, especially when put on the spot like this, is not my strong suit and apparently my expression gives me away as Conri starts laughing. “Oh God, do not tell me you found your mate and it’s an old human”. “She isn’t old”. I say, instantly knowing I should have kept quiet at Remus groans theatrically. “Can you help find her ?” “I am hoping it is to reject her, our pack deserves better than a weak human Luna who is past her prime”. He says as he turns towards the computer. “What is her name ?” ‘Please let me hurt him, just a little’. Remus pleeds. ‘I am willing to take one for the team and bite off his balls, you know make sure he never procreates, it’s for the greater good really’. I bite the inside of my cheek so as not to laugh. ‘Tempting, very tempting, but I fear I would have the taste in my mouth for days, so nah’. “Do you want my help or just stand there and talk to your … Wolf ?” My cousin huffs. “Sorry, he is just very opinionated on the matter”. I turn my attention to Conri. “Her name is Saige, and she should be local”. *Saige* “Earth to Saige”. A voice says, and I turn to see Molly, a twenty-one year old blonde who looks more like a model than a waitress and who works at my saloon. “There is a group at table five, it’s your table”. I look up, there are four young men, all looking to be in their early twenties. “Sorry, I was kinda lost in my own thoughts, I will go there now”. “Thinking about that guy again ?” She asks, and when I look at her weirdly she sighs. “I heard you talk to that nerdy friend of yours about some freak you keep thinking of”. “He wasn’t a freak, I think…”. I mumble. “And also I don’t keep thinking of him, it was just … a very weird experience”. I am not sure why I feel a need to defend myself and to an extent him too, I think it is mostly that Molly is the type of young woman who makes women like me feel inadequate, old and fat. She just shrugs and makes one of those faces that kinda makes me want to pull her hair. And believe me I am not really a violent person. I guess part of me is just jealous that she is young, skinny and the type that turns heads by just walking into a room. “How can I help …”. I start saying as I approach the table, instantly realizing a fifth man has joined them, my weird guy from last night, he isn’t wearing a dress today though. His face lights up with a smile. “Saige …”.
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