Savoring the morning

1245 Words

*Saige* Reality is pulling at me, but I am reluctant to leave my little cocoon of warmth and happiness. I am not sure I have ever felt so comfortable … It might seem a simple word, but it means too much to me, and it is how I feel right now, plain and simple, comfortable. The soft darkness of the room tells me that it is not yet morning. Milo is wrapped around me in ever way, his arms and his heated scent, at the same time spicy and sweet, like a scent created just for me, to comfort and ensnare me. And either he is having a very nice dream, or maybe it is just a purely physical reaction that has his hard length pressed against my backside in the most enticing way. As I press myself against the length of his body, another length greets me by twitching slightly, which only serves to aro

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