Dipped in Chocolate

2416 Words

*Milo* “Hmm strawberry”. I mumble next to her ear. We have moved a bench, so Saige is sitting between my legs, leaning against me and she is in charge of the snacks, as she can reach better. “White, milk or dark chocolate ?” She asks, picking up a red ripe strawberry. “Let's be adventurers ... all three”. I say teasingly. She turns her head slightly. “Oh triple dip.. someone is brave … wait, can you have chocolate ?” “Can I have chocolate ?” I ask, feeling slightly confused. “Are you scared I might get fat ?” She laughs lightly. “Not at all, but you know … chocolate is really bad for … dogs”. “Did you just call me a dog ?” I tickle her. “No”. She squeals, squirming. “I was just worried, wolves and dogs … Well kinda the same family”. Remus perks up. ‘Is chocolate dangerous ? Is t

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