Can I call you mine ?

1694 Words

*Saige* We have sailed into the mainland, and walked the short way to a building from where apparently today's trip starts. Milo had introduced me to Nova, a young local woman who apparently works for the pack, and who is coming along as our guide. I have to admit that I felt torn meeting her. Her warm smile and friendly manner made me instantly like her. But I could not help the small stab of jealousy, she is younger, prettier and much skinnier than me, and she and Milo seemed to know each other well. However I know that if I want to give this a chance, me and Milo, I can’t give into these worries and the jealousy … also I do not know or understand this mate thing fully, but I do think it means I can trust him not to stray. Milo has gone inside to take care of the last things, and

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