Fur fright

1093 Words

*Saige* “So what is the plan ?” I look at Milo, wondering when we are actually going home. “I had hoped you would allow me to bring you to a Safari park on the mainland today … then tomorrow we fly home”. He says softly, smiling at me. It does sound very tempting. “Would it be okay if I call home first to check that everything is okay ?” “Of course”. He says getting up and kissing me softly. “I will go get things ready then … so you have privacy to call”. “Thanks”. I tell him I can’t help watching as he walks inside, appreciating the way his body moves. Picking up my phone I call Morgan and she picks up almost instantly. “Hi Saige”. “I have a bone to pick with you”. I tell her. “You knew what he was planning and you did not warn me”. “Of course not, the guy deserved a chance”. S

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