Second base in football

1039 Words

*Saige* The rhythms of the music is exotic, and as I get closer I can see it is mostly locals, dancing and drinking in a small bar right on the beach. It is like taken right out of a movie. There is a live band playing and people are dancing barefoot in the sand, following the enticing rhythms. As we come closer a woman puts a flower necklace around our necks, like we were in Hawaii or something and when I smile at her, she smiles back. "Welcome, come dance with us, let yourself be free". "I'd love to". I answer and soon I am softly moving to the rhythm as we walk over, feeling the music in my blood and well maybe just a bit the wine from dinner too. "Can I have this dance, miss ?" Milo’s soft deep voice asks right beside me, as he leans in to whisper in my ear. I turn my head, realis

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