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*Milo* “You … You are a virgin ?” She looks at me like I have just told her that I am an inflatable pink unicorn or a werewolf perhaps. ‘She is so gonna laugh at us’. Remus groan. ‘Quick tell her it was a joke’. ‘No, I am not gonna lie to her’. I tell him, then I nod to her. “Yes, I am a virgin … and no not my zodiac sign”. “How is that possible ?” She stares at me, I guess the fact that she is standing still and facing me is a good sign, she is willing to listen. Remus groans. ‘It’s quite easy really, we never stuck our banana shaped sausage in a female love tunnel … Our love stick never wore the velvet wetsuit … we …’. ‘Shut it Remus’. I snap. When I realise she is looking at me weirdly again I clear my throat. “I never met a woman who it felt right to take that step with, so I ju

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