Time to confess

1311 Words

Ace’s point of view Ava's growing comfort with me gave me a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, in time, she would break up with Tom and choose me instead. From the moment Ava approached me in the bar, I felt an undeniable connection, a sense that she was meant to be mine forever. However, I couldn't ignore the fact that she still held onto special memories with Tom. It pained me to think that Ava saw her and Tom’s past as something more significant than what we have. In hindsight, I regretted not revealing my actual name to her from the beginning. I had introduced myself as Tom, a name I chose impulsively in response to her using the nickname Sally. "Alright, now that we're done with breakfast, I'm going to go find Gloria," Ava said, her lips brushing against mine as she planted a sweet kiss

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