I won't tell Jack

1005 Words

Gloria’s point of view I couldn't help but feel a little upset. My mom and grandma called to inform me they wouldn't arrive until tomorrow. My mom had gone to pick up Grandma, who insisted she had some things to take care of before leaving. They would be arriving tomorrow morning. I headed to Ace's office to let him know we needed to extend the protection day when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry," I apologized, looking up to realize it was Stephen, making me gasp. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. "No worries, Gloria. I was just lost in my thoughts. Sorry," he replied kindly. Because of our history, I couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. He seemed to be too nice. "Yeah, me too. Sorry, Stephen," I said, feeling my anxiety locking up my entire body. I hated even

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