659 Words

Violet had finished making Brian's bed and cleared the tray from his breakfast, and was now sitting with him while he tried to teach her how to play poker. Nessa and her team had found a pack of playing cards while they were cleaning out the ship and had given them to him. Violet was not sure about this game, but she had to admit that she was having fun. "Hmm, I don't think I am getting this. What if I have a ten, jack, queen, king, and ace?" Violet asked, looking up at Brian from the cards in her hand. Brian looked up from his hand, "Are they all the same suit?" "Yes, they are all hearts." She answered Brian folded his cards and set them down, "Then you win. No hand beats that, so it doesn't matter what I have." Violet smiled triumphantly as she laid the cards down face up, "Oh, nice

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