Wild Babe

1170 Words
**Dasha (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy, Training Grounds] "KIAH!" I shouted looking her way from my place in front of the class, "You may think you're the smartest one around, but if you wanna try spells, in my class, better learn them properly before you do!" She didn't utter a word but the fire in her eyes said everything her cute little mouth didn't... she would stab me in the throat if she could, but chose to stomp off the class. I felt a smile creeping up my lips and controlled it with great difficulty turning back to the class. As I waited for the students to go through the spell, my mind wandered back to my conversation with Kyrah the previous night... **** "Kiah!" Kyrah said lowering her head, "She will break your heart before the melody strikes..." Kyrah loved me dearly and always thought of me as her elder brother, one reason she always fought with Kiah. They were pretty close at first, but when Kiah entered her teens, she did what most teens do: rebled out! That created a rift between them and every time Kiah did something to get to me, little Kyrah fought her. Only I know the countless times I've had to pull them apart just to find out they were fighting over me. Awkward much! So, naturally, when Kyrah saw Kiah breaking my heart in the future, she was genuinely worried. "Oh...," I said looking at her little face with a smile, "first, you need to promise me, you will talk of my bond with Kiah to no one, sweetpea!" "You knew?" She asked incredulously, "You knew Kiah is your fate-bound?" "Not just me, sweetpea, the whole family knows! Since Kiah was 6 months old, to be precise since the day I first saw her." I smiled at her. "Then why does she always trouble you?" My little Sweetpea asked angrily making me chuckle. "Because she doesn't know!" I answered simply. "WHY?" "She will find out when the time is right; when she feels our bond, herself," I told her truthfully "But I saw her break your heart!" Sweetpeas cried. "My heart is hers to break, sweetpea! It always has been!" I said looking at her, "Now I need you to stop worrying, alright?" "Won't you ask, how or any details of what I saw?" Kyrah quired in surprise. "NO! It doesn't matter how she breaks my heart, or that she is going to because she will mend what she broke herself, That much I'm sure of, I trust my mate. Now will you stop worrying?" I asked with a smile. **** After I called Kiah back in, I tried my best to put last night aside and focused on the lesson. But trust me, it was no easy task, especially when the only girl you've been waiting for, for the last 17 years, looks at you like she could eat you for a meal! I could care less about how many girls, around the academy and everywhere else I went, swooned even if I merely passed by. But this girl... never even smiles when I'm around except for when I'm taking a lesson. Then her demeanor takes a complete 180-degree turn. Her eyes never leave me for a moment, watching even the slightest of my movements, traveling my entire 6'5" frame, and then she gulps holding her lower lip between her teeth. How can a man not be distracted by that? When I felt my member twitch under my pants, I peeled my eyes away from her forcefully trying to focus on finishing the lesson. This girl is pure torture! After completing the theory, I took the class out to the training grounds for a practice session. And my dearest mate began grumbling the moment I pointed at the moths as targets. If you haven't understood by now, then let me spell it out for you: the only way to get Kiah to do anything, you need to challenge her, bruise her ego and she goes BOOM! Maybe that's one of the reasons she hates me as much, I never leave any opportunity to do so. But what can I say? I love it when she goes all savage on me! My wild babe! I didn't respond to her comments on the task being impossible, earning a huff. I watched as Kiah tried and failed along with the rest of the class. After she missed her five targets, I let out a sarcastic chuckle just to pi*s her a little and it worked perfectly. Kiah hated being challenged and she put in all her focus, just to show me down. Her attempt was amazing, leaving everyone in awe. She turned to me when she saw admiration in everyone else's eyes and truthfully speaking I was just as awe-struck, but where's the fun in that? "Looks like you really can never do it right!" I huffed. "A moth is not an easy target!" She said defensively, shooing a stray fly sitting on her cheek. That mischievous fly went on troubling my mate and sat on her shoulder crawling its way inside her shirt. Not happening, bro! I thought and lit it up, accidentally gracing Kiah's shoulder. "This means war, Professor Show Off!" She declared before shooting a flame on a moth that sat on my arm, intentionally gracing my arm before smirking my way. Wait! Did she just call me Professor Show Off? Oh no, babe, you don't challenge me and get away with it! "You are so dead for this, Kiah!" I said my voice dangerously low and shot a flame lighting the bunny clip on her hair, I never liked it anyway! It was a gross yellow thing, with bunny ears protruding on each side, making her look like she grew bunny ears; her gorgeous face looked idiotic in that thing. But she wore it every single day because that is exactly what I said when she first got it. Going against everything I say is her mantra for life! "My favorite clip!" She screeched and threw a flame straight at my tie. That one was my favorite and she knew it! Kyrah gifted it to me on my last birthday and my mate obviously hated it. I understood, why, she was jealous... she hated the fact that I pampered Kyrah and not her. But Kyrah was not the mate I'd been waiting for for 17 years, she was! I looked down as the dark olive fabric around my neck turned to ash and I saw a satisfactory smile creep up her delicious lips. "That is it!" I said taking the stance, "Out of the way everyone, your class topper needs a practical lesson on how to act with her KING!" I declared and directed an air blast her way throwing her a few feet away. "Oh, how I've been waiting to kick your a*s for a very long time, Professor!" She spat narrowing her eyes and getting ready for a fight.
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