Professor Show Off

1165 Words
**Kiah (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy, Training Grounds] ERRRRRRRRRRRR....! I HATE HIM! Just hate him! I wanted to yell but chose to stomp off the classroom, my hands folded under my bosom. I didn't dare to look up so I wouldn't have to look at my classmates laughing at my face. I am the Dean's daughter but he doesn't even have the courtesy not to insult me in front of the students like that. Professor Dasha, my foot! King of Shadow Creatures my a*s! I thought kicking the pillar on my way out. He scolds me every chance he gets and well, this is the best part... I cannot ask Daddy to put him in his place because even if he wasn't my professor, he is still my King! GRRRRRRRRR!!!! All because my magic is sourced from the Shadow Realms so, I'm essentially a Shadowling but he is never sure that I am indeed a witch or what my powers actually are! But wait! That's not his fault, is it? I am at fault because I'm never good enough! Never! All my life, Dasha has only pointed out my flaws! At first, I tried! No, I swear, I really tried hard. Ever since I was 5, I always did what he liked just so he'd appreciate me... once! But never has that happened in my life! I still remember that day, I had just turned five, just three days after my birthday. I made an abstract painting and personally, I was five, it meant nothing! I showed it to everyone, the entire royal family and all of them were happy to see my not-so-sensible art; all except the great King Dasha! While all the others pampered and praised me for my attempt, he walked in with a dangerous expression and tore my painting to bits before yelling at me like I just tried to murder someone! I was five! Oh heck! He could just have said nothing if he didn't like it; or if my art was 'that' bad, he could just have said it was bad; what is the meaning of tearing it to bits? And that's just the beginning! Growing up, I even thought he hated me because I'm a hybrid shadowling. But then, when I saw him with his friend's children, also hybrids, I realized he just thought I'm useless. As a cherry on top, Daddy made it very clear to me that Dasha has supreme authority in matters of my education; so what he says goes! So when I asked to skip class this morning, Daddy almost convinced Mom but HE personally came to take me to class, why? Just to insult me for not getting the "flame-throwing" spell right, the first time I tried? "If you are done monologuing, how miserable your life is, in your head, get inside and NOW!" Came the devil's authoritative voice from behind me making me squeeze my eye shut. I huffed and turned around walking straight to my seat without uttering a single word. How does it matter that he just made the topper of the class look like a fool in front of the entire class? Dasha went back to his place in the front and began his detailed explanation of the spell; the molecular motion of energy, the speed, controlling the speed and intensity, and so on... and I found myself listening to him intently, all but swooning like every other girl of my class, heck every girl in the entire academy swoons just seeing him pass by. He is the major crush of every girl I know but I can only hate him. Just seeing him irks me! I wish I could strangle him someday! Yet, in all honesty, when he teaches I swoon... not because he is a real hunk, which he was; but when he taught he was beyond attractive. He is something else, how he could get into the depth of the simplest spell was just amazing to me, and then make the hardest spell seem like it was nothing felt ummm... if I could find a spell to separate the Professor in Dasha, I'd claim that part of him right then and right there! It was that attractive! I took a long breath in to calm myself, before some mean a*s spotted drool on my face. Once we were done with the theory of the spell, it was time to practice in the training field. I usually loved the practice time, unless Dasha was leading it, like this day. That meant he was going to assign a near-impossible task and make it seem super easy and make fun of me when I fail! Well, not today sir... not today! "All right everyone, line up!" Dasha yelled before blowing his whistle, "We will be practicing the "flame-throwing" spell and your targets will be, these!" He said with a smile pointing to a case full of moths. "I knew it!" I grumbled. "You have something to say, Kiah?" Dasha asked his brows knitting dangerously close, but I was done with him. "I said, I knew it!" "And what is it you know?" "I knew you would assign us a task that was impossible to complete so you could show us all how dumb we are while Your Highness is just... Oh so great!" I said mockingly holding my face in my palms. He looked at me while slowly opening the lid of the case, setting the moths free without breaking eye contact. The moths flew around us and students from my class began targeting them with no success. I huffed and turned away to begin my practice, it was no use hoping he would be kind. I missed a few times and heard Dasha chuckle at my back enraging me further. I closed my eyes and let everything around me melt away focusing only on the moth I wanted to light up. I let my fingers flow elegantly completing the sigil and let my energy flow toward my moth. Time slowed as the tiny flame lit up and was about to hit its mark when a moth beside it flapped its wing and my mark escaped with a burnt wing. When I turned around disappointed, everyone in my class looked at me in awe even the teachers were surprised but Dasha scowled. "Looks like you really can never do it right!" He huffed turning away. "A moth is not an easy target!" I defended myself, waving my hand to shoo a stray fly sitting on my cheek. But it went on irritating me and sat on my shoulder when a miniature flame shot from Dasha's direction and the fly lit up gracing my shoulder. I looked up and saw him smirking wagging his brows at me. "This means war, Professor Show Off!" I declared before shooting a flame on a moth that sat on his arm and graced him the same he did. "You are so dead for this, Kiah!"
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