Chapter 30

822 Words

[Kris' POV] As I reached the building of my father’s company, I parked by the road and walked right in to the building and towards the counter, where Simone, one of my father's secretaries, was seated, and she immediately recognized me. “Hello Mr. Collins, how can I help you today?” She asked while smiling politely. I didn’t answer, but went straight to it. “I need to speak to my father now!” I demanded, already feeling my patience evaporate. “I’m sorry, Mr. Collins, but your dad has an important meeting right now!” She replied in an apologetic tone. “Bullshit!” I growled as I walked towards the elevator, but one of my father’s guards named Julio stopped me. “I’m genuinely sorry, but you can’t go up there right now!” he stated as he stood in my way. “Julio, I’m going up there,

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