Chapter 8-"Stay with me- part 1"

1153 Words

*Sarah's pnt. of view * It's been a whole week since my last close call with Damien, and everything has been quiet between us eversince. Except for the usual greetings, and brief concersation, all work-based. Lately I'm not sure what has been going on, but Damien seem quite uptight, and he blows off at every little thing. I brought him his coffee, and he asked me to type up an acceptance letter to a bussiness party. Which he will attend two weeks from now. As for me, I can't help but be attracted to him, yet, I keep having these internal battles between my heart, my stubborn mind, and my hormones as far as the danger this man is to me. It's as if I've learned my lesson from the past, yet a part of me once to go at it one more time to see if it's my fate to not be loved, or if I can be

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