Chapter 7- "What the hell?"

1161 Words

*Sarah's pnt. of view" As soon as I was about to reply two strong hands wrapped themselves around my waist, and I was pulled into a firm chest, and by the feels of it, I knew it was Damien, and then I heard was "She has a boyfriend." Has he lost his mind? "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that she had a boyfriend, well um, I'll see you around Sarah, I mean beautiful." He said sending a wink my way, causing Damien's grip to get tighter, as his whole body stiffened. I blushed and waved "bye." As soon as the men were out of view, I instantly pulled away from him, and turned around with my hand aiming to slap him, except he caught my wrist halfway. I went to slap him with my other hand, and he also caught that one. With both my hands trapped, I thought about kneeing him in the balls again, b

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