Chapter 21 Getting Everything Figured Out

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Liam's POV I walk back into the apartment as I smell something good cooking and realize it's Melanie and my Gramma cooking together.. I like the looks of that sight for sure. I come into the kitchen and wrap my arms around Melanie's stomach as she leans back into my chest asking, "Are they mad? I should have probably called them myself." "No they said if you need anything just call them and they also said they love you too.. so don't worry baby." I respond as she let's out a deep breath then nodding. "So this smells amazing, what are you two beautiful ladies making?" I ask as Grams answers, "That's for us to know and you to eventually find out.. go relax with the kids." I chuckle and kiss Melanie's cheek then Gramma's cheek heading into the other room. Caleb and Emily look up at me as Caleb breaks the silence.. "Are you actually going to let us stay with you?" "Yea of course come on follow me guys." I say gesturing with my hands for them to follow. I show them the office second room I haven't even set up yet. "See this was just an extra room for me and I was just putting stuff in here but I haven't even unpacked these boxes yet really which makes things easy so I just figured you two can share a room back here until we get a bigger place together." I say reassuringly to them. "That's if they don't take us away." Caleb says so sadly as I hug him tight and say, "I will do everything in my power to not let that happen ok?" I watch him nod as I feel eyes on me. I look up to see Melanie leaning up against the door panel staring at me. I stand up pointing at each side if the room saying, "I think we should order two beds and get them put over here and here and you guys can have your own dressers and share the closet over here.. does that sound OK?" I ask as Emily and Caleb nod vigorously. I walk to Melanie who is about to cry in the door way. I look back and say to the kids, "You guys take a look in here and decide what corner you want and here..." I say opening my phone to bedroom sets as I let them hold my phone. "Take a look at those and let me know which one you like best and we will order it. I just need to talk with your Sissy real quick. " They nod getting big smiles on their faces as I lean my body against Melanie's, pushing her backwards and into the next room shutting the door behind us. "What's wrong baby? Did I overstep with your siblings? Just let me know and I'll stop." I say to her rubbing my thumb on her cheek, looking down at her. "No Liam, you have been nothing short of amazing to all of us.. I just hate that this is happening and.. it's just been a long day for me.. it's really starting to hit me hard." She explains as I nod. "I'm sorry you have had to go through this.. but I will always be here." I say to her as she shakes her head and states, "Don't say always because always is for a very long time and we only just started this.. I don't think you will want to be around forever and always." She states as I pull her closer to me and say, "Forever and Always." "We will see about that." She says getting on her toes and kissing me as she turns to leave the room. "Mel, I was wondering.. um.. how did he find out about us being together? I thought we were doing pretty good hiding it." I state as she looks embaressed turning back to me as she says.. "We did.. but someone had sent him pictures of us in intimate situations.. from an unknown known number.. that's all my father said when he showed them to me." She says as my eyebrows scrunch together and I ask, "Intimate situations? Like when?" "Like our day off when we were at the park.. it was pictures of us kissing and.. um.." she says nervously as I keep waiting patiently for her to finish her sentence. "There were also pictures of us.. in my bed..naked and.. you know." My eyes go wide as I ask. "How is that possible?" I ask as she shrugs and says, "The pictures looked like they were zoomed in so I figure a tree or something but still that's creepy as f*#k.. and you could tell it was from outside the window too." "I did think I saw a man out there with us remember when we were at the park.. so maybe I was right.. but that's still so creepy.. I have a hunch though that I need to do a little research on first before I say anything." I state to her as she nods. She takes a look around the room and asks, "Are you sure you want to share a room with me?" I scoff and state, "How many times have I told you I want to wake up and go to sleep with you by my side.. so many times.. I love this idea.. are you sure you're ok with it?" I ask as she smiles and nods. "More than ok." She gets on her toes kissing my cheek as she leaves me in the room alone. I go to my dresser looking at myself in the mirror taking a deep breathe in for a moment as I open the dresser drawer pulling it open as I grab the ring box. I open it up and staring deep into the diamond as I hear. "So when are you planning on using that?" I look up and see it's Caleb. I shrug my shoulders as I show it to him and say, "It was my Grandmother's and she gave it to me earlier to give to Melanie.. I just don't want to freak her out.. so I'll wait until I feel she is ready." He nods and looks at it saying, "It's pretty she will love it.. I know she does love you.. she just has a hard time expressing feelings.. but she will get there.. it's still early in the relationship." I nod and pat his back saying, "Thanks Caleb." "No problem.. thanks again for everything." He responds as I smile bigger. "Now show me what bed set you chose and we can get this started off the right way." I state to him as we get up, I put away the ring and we head into the other room. Melanie's POV I leave the room nervously.. I love that he is helping out my siblings like this and it just makes my heart swoon for him more, higher and higher it flies.. and there is no bringing it back down at this point. I walk back into the kitchen as Penny glances back at me and smirking before asking then pointing across the kitchen. "Can you please dice me up some of those veggies if you're not too busy with my grandson." I smile and walk over to the cutting boards and start dicing. She looks over giggling at me as I curiously look back so she decides to explain. "I can see that he really has taught you some things in the kitchen.. he said he did but I just figured he was saying that." I giggle and shake my head responding with so much humor, "No he wasn't just saying that he really did teach me a thing or two no matter how hard it was for me to concentrate with him helping me." She laughs too and says, "I know what you mean, my late husband would help me with anything and I would just get distracted by him being with me not even really being able to concentrate on anything else but him and then I would eventually concentrate just so I could show him I was listening and it wasn't a waste of time.. mostly so he would do it again." I laugh pretty loud as I nod and say back, "That's exactly what I did.. he just smells so good and when he was showing me I could barely concentrate and the only reason why I did was so I didn't cut myself.. then he said I was doing great and left me for the other side of the kitchen and I got sad wanting to mess up again just so he would come back!" We both laugh pretty loud together. "So.. you obviously love him.. why won't you say it? not saying you have to by any means and if he knew I was saying this he would kill me but I just have to know for myself.. Mostly because I'm a nosey old woman." She says curiously to me as I smile. "I'm just scared.. what if I say it and he finds someone else.. what if I tell him how I really feel and he leaves me not wanting these stresses that my life brings.. what if I say it and he breaks my siblings hearts.. or mine.. I have never felt like this and I don't want it to ever end.. but what if it does.. I'm just too chicken." I respond so honestly to her as I feel my face heating up with I'm sure is a bright blush at my confession. "The thing is about these types of feelings is that.. you can't control them and you don't have forever to figure this out.. I didn't get the chance to tell my beloved late husband how much he means to me and I completely regret it.. I wish I could have a thousand years of explaining and that might not even be enough.. I just don't want to see the same thing happen with you.. You just remind me so much of myself.. and.. you never know if there will be a tomorrow for either one of you so might as well take advantage of today.. but not saying you have to say anything that's just why I ask.. but just saying from a motherly point of view... what if you say it and it's the best thing that's ever happened to you? It's just something to think about." She says sweetly as I nod and smile. "Hey ladies I heard some laughing in here.. I just had to make sure it wasn't about me." Liam says playfully as Gramma and I glance at each other and start laughing again. Liam's mouth drops open as he says, "Really?" I smile and nod then respond, "But it wasn't bad I swear." He squinting at me as he says, "I want to believe you but I don't know.. I'm keeping my eyes on you." He points at me as I giggle and say, "Ok sounds good.. or you could just come help me dice up over here I think I'm doing it wrong again." I say to him as him as he walks up behind me, really close grabbing my hands into his, ready to help and realizes I'm doing fine dicing when he looks at the pieces I have already diced. "It looks perfect what are you talking about?" He asks curiously as I take a deep breathe in smelling his amazing musk as I say, "Sorry I was just hoping for an extra learning session." I say as he curiously looks at me as Gramma starts to laugh making me laugh. "I don't know if I trust you two together but I like seeing you both so happy so I'll leave it alone for now.." He says suspiciously backing out of the kitchen as Gramma asks me, "Was it worth calling him over?" I giggle and state, " So worth it he smells so good.. I would buy a candle that smelled like him and have it lit all day if I could.. but I think it's the fact that it's him that I love about it." I say as she smirks and says, "Love huh?" I smile shyly and nod saying, "That's stays between us." "Oh honey everyone knows.. you just won't admit it.. even your brother and sister know, they told me earlier." She states as my eyes go wide and I ask, "Really?" She nods and I let out a nervous breathe.. Everyone knows? I probably just look like a dumb i***t not saying it then.. I just can't get myself to and I don't know why. I think it's just because I'm scared and that's it. Maybe eventually I will get the guts too taking her advice. We finish up dinner as I hear a knock at the door. I can hear Liam answering it as he calls for me. "Mel baby?" I wash my hands and make my way out to the front room and there is a woman in a suit. "This is Mrs.Stevens she is here to talk about the kids." He says to me as I nod and take his hand into mine out of nervousness.. I need him to be my rock now. I take a seat as she sits down by me. She has some folders with her as she starts. "Ok so I know this has already been a tough day for you but I need to ask to you about your siblings. Since they don't have your father there to take care of them I think we are going to need to take them to a group home for a little bit until we figure out where to house them." I shake my head vigorously as I state, "Please let me take them.. my father wasn't doing anything for them.. I work two jobs to support them and give them everything they need. You can ask them please." I beg as the kids nod and Caleb is the one to speak up, "She has been the only one taking care of us since our mother died, if she wouldn't have we would have been done for a while ago.. but she takes us out and has fun with us, helps us with our homework, walks us to and from school and works to support us.. she is our mother." "Well you are part of the family, being the closest living relative.. and you are over 18.. and have a job but you have no stable place with yours being out if commission.. so I don't know." She says hesitantly. Liam squeezes my hand and says, "I have offered my home to them for as long as they want.. I'm Melanie's man and I have a job as well if that helps and I will be here to help them out in anyway we can.. just please don't take these kids away from the one person who has always been there and protected them.. she got beat for so many years to make sure they didn't.. she worked so many hours to make sure they had food and a roof over their head.. please dont seperate them. I'll sign anything you need stating this is their home from now on.. whatever you need." My eyes are filled with so much love for him saying this for me. "Alright well I will need both of you to sign legal guardian forms at least for now, they will be temporary.. and we will stay in touch especially with all the court cases against your father.." I will be back tomorrow with those files for you both to sign.. thank you so much for your time and I'll see you then." She says getting up, as I walk her to the door, waving and shutting it behind her. I whip around and grab Liam by the cheeks pulling him down so quickly crashing my lips to his. I break our kiss as he lays his forehead on mine. "Thank you.. I... I... just.. really appriciate everything you have done for us." I say to him as he smirks at me whispering, "You're welcome." We turn around and the kids are filled with excitement hugging us tight. A feeling of relief hits me like a brick wall making me feel so much better than expected. "Alright now that we have that seriousness taken care of let's celebrate with some dinner and dessert." Gramma says to us as we smile and nod. All of us head into the kitchen sitting down and enjoying this meal together and I have to say I love this moment right here more than any that have happened lately but family will always mean more to me than anything.

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