Chapter 20 Police Station

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Melanie's POV The cop car I'm currently in is slowly pulling up to the police station as I nervously stare out the window. The cop gets out, circling the car and opening the door for myself. I nod in thanks as I hesitatantly get out. He guides me into the police station gaining the attention of a lot of familure faces which makes this situation a lot harder. I look around as the cop leads me to the open seat at, I'm assuming, his desk. I sit there awaiting direction on what to do or say as I hear. "You little cunt! You better not talk s**t about me! I'm warning you!" I turn around quickly and see my step father glaring daggers at me across the Police Station. The cops are trying to get him out of eyesight but he pushes back against them, not breaking his gaze with mine. That is until someone steps in the way breaking the intense hateful stare. I look up and see it's Liam getting lead down the hall by a couple cops as he yells, "It's ok Mel, don't worry about him or even me in that same thought.. just tell them everything.. it will be ok, I'll make sure you're ok I promise." I vigorously nod at him as he smiles heading into a different room, not fighting the cops hold at all. "Ok.. Melanie.. I just need to know what happened from the beginning.. and I will ask questions if I have them along the way.. ok?" I nod and start.. "My step father said I couldn't date my man Liam and he warned me saying he would make me pay if I kept seeing him." "Why does he hate and not want you to see... Liam?" He asks as I groan and say a little more softly, "He is worried Liam will take me away ruining his way of life.. which is me working two jobs to pay all the bills and get food while taking care of the kids while my stepfather does nothing.. he is afraid of me loving Liam because he will try to take me away from him." "Why would he take you away?" He asks as I answer quickly, "Because he beats me every day.. if not every single week for years now." I say lifting some of my shirt showing my scars and bruises. "So why haven't you left yet? You legally can." He debates with me as I say even softer than before because I'm scared of the consequences of these next words. "I stayed because I don't want him to beat my little brother and sister so I'm the punching bag for them.. to make sure the kids gets taken care of because he wouldn't take care of them." "So why haven't you told anyone about this until now." The cop asks still recording my answers. "My mom begged me not too because she said social services will get involved and seperate all of us kids and she wanted to make sure we stayed together.. so I took the beatings and s****l advances from my step father to make sure my brother and sister are ok.. just to make sure they are going to be ok as well." I say to him as he nods and asks, "Do you know where they are at now?" I nod and answer, "Yes they are with Liam's grandmother, she is taking care of them while we are here. "Ok so tell me what happened today." He says as I nod and reply.." Well as I said before he told me not to date Liam.. but I... L.. have very strong feelings for Liam and I wasn't going to stop seeing him especially to accommodate my drunk deadbeat of a dad.. So I kept seeing him and my brother and sister love him anyways because he is so nice and sweet to them.. So Liam and I have been taking the kids to hang out everyday without my step fathers knowledge.. when I got home tonight.. my step father hit my brother and grabbed my sister to threaten me because he knows how much I care for them. He said he knew I had been seeing Liam... I sent the kids to Liam's apartment because we live in the same building.. I knew they would be safe there... that's when my father attacked me slapping me and kicking me many times in the stomach. He also showed me pictures on his phone that some unknown number had sent to him of Liam and I together in intimate situations.. He said he had to teach me a lesson.. for um.. giving myself to Liam.. because he said that I was his.. So since I was still catching my breathe on the floor from his multiple kicks.. he pinned me under his legs and cut my clothes all down the middle.. was touching me and when he got his shirt off and pants down Liam busted through the door and tackled him to the ground hitting him over and over.. and then you guys showed up." I explain as he nods taking some notes. "Ok thank you Melanie.. I think this is enough information for your statement and to help collaborate their stories.. I just need to make sure we get you checked out by the EMT before you can go." I nod and stand as he leads me to this office to get checked out real quickly. He leaves me there as I patiently wait for the nurse to come in. After a little while a cute little nurse comes in. She knocks as she opens the door to make sure she has my attention which is at least respectful. I look over at her as she has a small smile she sends my way. "Hello my name is Anna.. I just need to do some basic stuff and some not so basic stuff.. because of the s****l allegations and what the cops came in on.. we need to do a rape kit.. I know you said he didn't but we need it for the paperwork.. ok?" She questions as I reluctantly nod in aggreance. After everything is taken care of and I'm almost good to go. The cop that I interviewed with comes back and says, "Miss Melanie if you can follow me please." I nod following right behind as we get out to the main room again. "He said he wouldn't leave without you and waited here." He says as I look around him and see it's Liam looking worried pacing back and forth.. His gaze travels around the room then locks with mine as I book it past the officer and jumping into Liam's arms. He wraps me up so tight as I do the same for him with my arms and legs. I'm like some sort of spider monkey attached to him. I don't know when the tears started, but they are flowing as he coos me. "Baby everything is going to be ok.. I told you I would protect you from him.. I will always be here for you. We will take care of this situation here and now together." I nod into his neck. I slowly set my legs down as I turn around and reply, "You're right Liam, I just need to get it all out on the table here and now.." I say grabbing his hand in mine as I turn around to the officer, clearing my throat I say, "Sir I have something else to tell you about my step father.. he killed my mother 6 years ago.." I just straight to the point. The officers eyes go wide as he asks, "Are you sure he did this? Because this is a big accusation that if your proven wrong you could go to jail for falsely accusing." He warns me as I click the record button on his phone and I say, "Of course I know he killed my mother because I was there.. he woke me up arguing with my mother later at night so I got up to break up the fight which was pretty usual at that point and when I got to the kitchen, he was strangling my mother against the wall. I jumped on his arm to get him to stop so then he came after me trying to stab me.. he almost got me but I moved in time so he only cut me." I say as I show my stomach with the scar across it. "When he had me cornered to stab me my mother jumped in the way sacrificing herself for me. She bled out in my arms just minutes later. When the EMT's came in with my father and he said something along the lines of she fell on a broken peice of glass.. he threatened me to not say anything bad.. so I just didn't say anything at all to the cops.. and I haven't said anything until now." I say to him as he stops the recording and says. "Ok thank you for all the information given.. We will stay in contact of course because I need to type up your statements and get you to sign them later.. but child services will either talk to you tonight or tomorrow." I nervously nod squeezing Liam's hand in mine as he leads me out of the police station. Liam's POV I take Melanie's hand into mine taking her outside to get a breath of fresh air. I lead her to my car that my grandmother drove with the kids to bail me out and pick us up. I'm getting off with time served just a fee and I'll take that.. it could have been so much worse. We get close as I stop her about half way to the car motioning for everyone to stay there for a second so I can talk to her. I look down at her big doe eyes that look so sad. "Mel.. I'm so proud of you for saying something I know how hard that must have been for you but I'm happy to see you really standing up for not only yourself, but your siblings too. I'm so sorry I didn't get there sooner tonight." I say to her touching her cheek softly as she leans into my touch. Her hand runs up mine and stopping on top of my hand.. holding it in place. "Thank you Liam.. that's sweet of you.. it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.. and don't worry, you got there just in time before anything happened." She responds so sweetly to me before she let's out a deep breath then continuing her statement. "Thank you for being there when I needed you most.. you don't know what that means to me.. but after this, things are going to get crazy with the kids and everything." "It's ok I want to do this with you Mel.. we will figure everything out together." I say reassuringly to her as she smirks back, nodding. We continue again to the car as the kids get out running to us. We both hug them tight into one big bear family hug. "Ok come on let's get back to the apartments." I say to them as we start walking back to the car. That is before Melanie's stops and retorts. "No we have to go to a hotel.. our place is a crime scene right now we aren't allowed to go back.. nor do I want to go back.. except to get my things." "Stay with me Mel." I say sweetly to her as her eyes go wide and she states, "No I can burden you anymore than I already have Liam. I will pay for a hotel until I can figure something else out." "Mel please.. I can protect you guys.. I have the extra room that's my office right now but I could turn it into a room for the kids you and I could share the other one it's perfect." I explain to her as she looks at everyone nervously.. they nod at her trying to help me convince her before she gives in nodding. "What about your grandmother? How about she sleeps on your bed and we can sleep on the couch." Melanie says to me as I smile and nod. until we hear, "I don't think so.. you both are getting the bed and I'm getting the couch. There is two of you and one of me." Gramma says to us as I shrug and don't pick a side I just retort. "How about we just go back to OUR place and discuss everything when we get there.. I have to make some calls to work anyways for us.. " They nod and climb into the car. I start the car engine as I glance around and look into the rearview mirror. It's Melanie in the middle of Caleb and Emily. Melanie's arms are around their shoulders as she holds them tight kissing their heads. I can't help the smile on my face as I gaze deeply at my new chosen family. "I'm so proud of you." Gramma says to me so softly so only we can hear it.. as I smile and nod, "I'm just glad I got there when I did.. just a minute longer and.." I can't even get myself to finish that sentence as I lock my jaw and try to calm. I feel Gramma's hand on my back trying to help calm me down. "Everything happened for a reason Liam and you got there in time thankfully.. that's all you need to know." She says to me making me nod more. I take a deep breathe in, then letting it out. I start to drive away from the station making our way across the city.. it's busy because everyone is getting off of work but we get there as soon as we can. We pull up and I nervously open the doors for everyone. Police officers are still here so I just blatantly go up to them asking. "I'm sorry to bother but since they can't stay in their apartment with everything happening. Then can they grab their things since they will be staying with me?" The cop puts his finger up and makes a call I think asking for permission. He talks softly as he humms and nods then ending the call. "They said it's fine to get anything out of there except for your room since everything took place in there." I nod and look at Melanie who has a determined look on her face as she tells the kids. "Ok you guys go to Liam's place with Gramma Penny and I will run upstairs with Liam to grab some things for all of us." They nod and follow Gramma in. I follow Melanie in the building and up the stairs to her place.. she grabs a laundry basket emptying it on the couch as she starts to grab as much clothing of hers that she can since she can't get into her room yet. She gets a decent amount of outfits and under garmets for herself as she gets to the kids room collecting what she can for them as well. She hands me the first basket filled with clothes mostly hers as she fills up the second one. I look down and see a sexy looking, see-through lacey purple bra. I pick it up looking at it as I hear Melanie clearing her throat. This gains my attention as I shyly smile and retort. "I like this it looks nice." She giggles as shakes her head at me passing by with a basket of more things for the kids. The police officer closes and locks the door behind us as we get down to my apartment, making our way in. I help set everything down in the front room as the kids grab their favorite stuffed animals and back packs along with their clothes and anything else we could get our hands on.. Melanie picked everything out perfectly. "Ok guys can you please take these into Liam's room until I can get to the store to buy a bed." They nod in understanding taking the baskets and putting them in my room. Once they leave the room Melanie quickly turns around looking at me saying, "You don't have to do this Liam.. if you change your mind it's ok." I shake my head and tell her, "I want to be there for you guys and with you.. come on this won't be any different than what we have already been doing.. we have been spending everyday together anyways. We have been having all the meals together for the most part.. it's the same thing don't worry about me Mel.. let me help you baby." I say to her as the kids run back in the room and she explains. "I know Liam I'm sorry I'm just not use to getting help I just feel like a burden but thank you for all your help."I hug her tight as I whisper, "Anything for you baby." I hold her for a moment until I tell her, "I have to call our work and explain what's happening and I'll call Grams as well so she won't be expecting you tomorrow morning." She nods in my hold, slowly letting go of me as I take my phone and head outside to make a call. I get outside as I press call on my phone for Shawna's number. "Hey Liam I was just about ready to call you.. have you heard from Melanie? She never showed up for her shift." she says to me as I groan and respond. "This is a long story but, I'm going to make it as short as possible.. of course as you know Melanie and I have been seeing each other.. well her step father demanded she doesn't see me but she chose to anyways.. he found out today.. I don't know how.. but he hit the kids and she sent them to my place because she knew they would be safe there. They were panicked and told me she was in trouble so of course I ran up to her apartment and.. um.. he had beat her and ripped her clothing and was trying to rape her.. I of course tackled him to the ground and beat the living hell out of him until the cops showed up and arrested the both of us.. We just got out of the police station right now.. so I knew I had to call you.. We have to deal more with the police and social services tonight and tomorrow so she won't be coming to work tomorrow either." I explain to her as she gasps and says, "Is Melanie ok? Where are they going to be staying, I'll pay for a hotel for her." "I told her and the kids they will be staying with me, especially since we have been spending everyday together anyways." I say back to her as she humms and says, "Ok please keep me updated and good luck.. thank you for watching over her and tell her we love her and if she needs anything to call." "Will do, thank you Shawna." I say hanging up the call. I do the same for Grams and she says just about the same which is nice knowing they aren't punishing her but concerned and wanting to help anyway they can.. Time to figure out who is sleeping where.
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