Chapter 7

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My fathers head shot up and my mum stiffened at the Beta’s request.  “Why does the Alpha want to see me?” I knew I hadn’t lived in a pack for a long time but I did know that Alphas didn’t request the presence of the bottom of the rung Omegas unless that omega was in trouble for something. Oh f**k, he knows I tried to run. My stomach started churning as the fear set in. You heard stories about how omegas were punished in packs. They were considered second class citizens and there was no law to protect them from whatever the Alpha saw as a fit punishment. “Well, I guess there's only one way to find out,” the Beta replied.  I sighed, turned to hug my parents and told them not to worry and that I would text them later. The Beta bid his farewell too and I followed him out of the building.  Once outside, the Beta turned to Parker. “You can go, I will escort Miss Waters.”  Parker looked disappointed but handed over the keys to the van and bowed his head to the Beta, winked at me and started jogging down the path we had driven up. The Beta opened the front passenger door and looked at me. Oh, I guess I was riding up front now. I climbed in and buckled my seatbelt while he walked round the van and climbed in. He started the engine and pulled down the road. At the end he turned left, then drove for a minute or so until the road veered right. To the left of the turn I saw a huge open space and at one end a large square building that looked like an arena or something.  The space wasn’t empty though, there were pockets of people in small training formations, some as small as two, some in bigger groups of 20 or more, and there were so many of them. I watched in awe at all the different displays going on. The van slowed to a stop and I glanced at the Beta who was watching me. “That’s the main training ground,s” he said, nodding to the field. “We train outside until it gets too cold and then we use the gym.” He pointed to the large building I had thought was the arena. “We take training very seriously here, we are one of the only packs that even allow some of the Omegas to train.”  I looked at him, a hopeful flutter in my stomach, I was so desperate to get some proper training in, as the Gamma’s daughter I was hell bent on making sure that I could protect my Luna and just because I no longer held the rank didn’t mean I was any less determined.  “How many warriors are there?” I asked, as there looked to be well over 100 on the field training right now.  “At last count we had just topped 700,” he responded nonchalantly.  My jaw dropped “700! As in 700 warriors?” I was shocked, I knew the pack was big but never thought there were so many.  He laughed at my expression “Well, the territory is just over 2 miles as the crow flies so we have a lot of border to cover.” A grin formed on his face as he continued. “Which is information worth considering, you know, if you were planning your escape attempt again.” He winked and I winced and bowed my head. “Let’s just get this over with,” I snapped. Just when I found something good about this place, I was reminded that I was just a prisoner, no matter how pretty the jail was. I just needed to get through this meeting, whatever it was, get to my room and then keep my head down and myself to myself.  I could feel the Beta looking at me for a few moments before he finally sighed and started up the van again. Up ahead I saw the road went over another bridge as we crossed the river again. Once we hit the peak of the bridge I couldn’t help but gasp. Directly opposite the bridge was a park space with a mix of pathways and sculptured gardens. And at the other end of the park I could see a large white manor-style house. Even from here I could see tall white columns and it looked to be four stories with the top having a wraparound balcony and a more modern penthouse style look to it. Then flanking each side of the park were two almost identical buildings, still in keeping with the fancy style of the area but a little more uniform than the manor.  The road split at the base of the park and the Beta turned left and followed the road round which cut between the park and the buildings. As we passed by the left side building, I could see they were big U shapes and both gave the feel of some of the hotels that I had visited in London on business trips. There was a courtyard within the U-shape and there were people everywhere.  The Beta pulled round the other side of the park in front of the big manor and stopped by the door. He got out and walked round the van to my door and opened it, looking at me expectantly. I sat frozen in my seat, suddenly unwilling to move. I didn’t want to get out, I didn’t want to see the Alpha again. I had an awful feeling in my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw up.  The Beta c****d his head to the side and a glint of something passed through his eyes. “You can get yourself out and walk into the Pack House or I can get you out and carry you in.”  I glared at him. He wouldn’t dare... would he? He sighed and started to move towards me and I realised he wasn’t bluffing, so I rushed to undo my seat belt. “Okay!” I freed myself and jumped out of the van. “I’m moving, okay?”   “Wise choice,” he said with an amused look on his face. He turned and looked around and I saw his eyes glaze briefly and then a youngish lad who was carrying a red toolbox looked up and then round at us and came running over.  He bowed his head at the Beta. “Yes, Beta,” he said obediently. He looked kinda scrawny and sweaty and his tan was more of one of hard labour than sun lounger. I could sense that he was an omega, hmm maybe we could be prison buddies, I thought, chuckling to myself. The Beta muttered something to him, glanced my way and continued again. The omega guy also glanced at me but lowered his eyes instantly. “Yes, Beta sir,” he said as the Beta passed him the keys to the van.  The Beta turned towards what I now knew as the pack house without looking back. “Come on, kid,” he called behind him. I looked towards the omega guy who was patiently waiting for me to pass. I looked at the van where my luggage still was. “Leave it, it’s been taken care of,” the Beta called back as he reached the front door. He opened the door and looked back at me, expressionless. “That offer of carrying you still stands.” I glared at him again but grudgingly followed him and stepped in through the door of the building.  Inside and out of the sun, it was much cooler and I looked round at the grand entrance. The whole décor was stunning, with shades of brown and gold everywhere, from the dark wood panelling and flooring to the sofas that were arranged in front of a large stone fireplace. The Beta walked past me.  “Obsidian House is the main pack house.” He pointed to the left through one door. “The formal dining room is that way, that’s only for named ranks and high family ranks.”  Then he pointed to a door on the right.  “Main library, same rules apply,” he said, glancing at me to make sure I was paying attention. “There is a kitchen on the other side of the dining room for the omega’s to prepare the food, although the entrance to that is round the side.”  He then pointed to a pair of double doors at the back of the room.  “And that is the grand hall, where most of our celebrations and events take place.” He started walking up the stairs, still talking. “Penthouse floor is the Alpha and his family’s floor, then the second floor is split between Beta and Gamma quarters.”  I rushed to follow him up the grand staircase as he kept moving.  “And first floor is the ranked rec room, offices and conference rooms….” He stopped in front of a dark wooden door and looked at me. “...and the Alphas office”  I felt sick again. I didn’t know why I was so terrified, what more could they do to me? They had already taken my business, my rank, my family and my home away. As the Beta turned the handle I knew I was kidding myself and I felt the rising panic, knowing full well that there were plenty of things that could still be done as punishment.  The Beta walked into the room and held the door open for me, I took a deep breath and walked in behind him.  The room continued the wooden panel theme on the bottom half although the top half was painted a deep forest green. There was a wall of bookshelves along one side and two chesterfield leather chairs and a small table facing the unlit fireplace on the other side. One corner held a cabinet of some sort and next to it was a second cabinet with some open shelves with an assortment of top shelf spirit bottles and crystal cut glasses. All the furniture was dark wood and clean lines, including the desk right in the middle of the room.  And sat behind the desk was Alpha Black.  ----
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