Chapter 8

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The Beta closed the door and walked round to stand behind and to the right of the Alpha, his face completely expressionless now.  The Alpha looked up from a file that he was reading from. “Ah, Miss Waters,” he smiled. “Please take a seat.” He indicated another leather chair in front of his desk.  I sat in the chair and looked down at my hands while fumbling with my fingers. I could feel the Alpha’s eyes on me but I was refusing to look up, I really wanted to get this over and done with so I could go and wallow in the misery that my life had become. “So,” the Alpha started. “I have been looking at your file Miss Waters and-”  Without thinking, my eyes shot up. “My file?” What file and where did it come from? “Yes, your file.” He obviously didn’t like being interrupted. “Look, Miss Waters, or may I call you Cassandra?”  “Where did you get a file on me?” I wasn’t letting this go and could tell I was starting to annoy him but I didn’t like that there was a file on me. “That’s nothing for you to worry about, now-” “Well, what’s in it?” I blustered on, unable to stop my frustration.   “MISS WATERS!” he boomed in his Alpha voice and I instantly cringed and shrunk back in my chair in fear and bowed my head again to watch my fingers again.   He sighed again, allowing his Alpha power to recede back.  “Now if you let me finish, I may very well answer your questions,” he said in a calm, almost soothing tone. “Is that ok with you, Miss Waters?” I nodded. “Cassie,” I muttered.   “What?” He looked confused. “My friends and family call me Cassie.”  He smiled again warmly and I couldn’t help but smile back, although mine was more hesitant.“Very well, Cassie.”   I was only just noticing that he was wearing way more casual clothing than he had been the other day. His black v-neck t-shirt fit snugly across his mid frame and his dark chestnut hair was more ruffled than before, making him look younger too. Although it was never easy to determine the age of a werewolf since our aging process was not only a lot slower than that of humans, but we also lived twice the lifespan at minimum.  “As I was saying,” the Alpha continued. “I have a file compiled on all my pack members when they join, not only to ensure that we keep the pack safe but to also best determine any special skills that would be beneficial for the running and prosperity of the pack.”  He picked up the pile of papers in front of him and scanned through them. “It says here that you didn’t attend university.” “That’s right sir, my mum and dad didn’t like the idea of me leaving home, even for school.”  He looked up over the top of the file, a strange look on his face. “Interesting.” He looked back down at the file.  “And you are unmated?”  Whoa! I flushed at the question, what kind of meeting is this? He looked back at me, expecting an answer.  “Erm,” I stuttered. “Yes, I am unmated.” I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with this line of questioning.  “But you have had relations?”  “If you want to know if I am a virgin then it’s non of your f*****g business,” I snarled at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Beta tense up and there was some little part of me screaming to calm down but the rest of me was seething with rage and couldn’t think properly.   “Cassandra, calm down right now!” I felt the sharp edge of his Alpha command in his voice and it was enough to bring me back from the rage. Oh s**t, I had a death wish or something, this could be seen as a challenge. I looked first at the Beta and then the Alpha, horrified. What the hell is wrong with me? “Listen to me now, child.” I flinched at his words and the power that he was still using as he scolded me. “I consider myself a fair leader, and I understand that you have suffered, but make no mistake I will not tolerate disrespect from one of my own pack, and certainly not in my own home. Do you understand me?” I nodded my head quickly. “Yes,” I whimpered. “Yes what?” “Yes, Alpha.” A single tear escaped my eye, why did I always allow my anger to get me into trouble? The Alpha watched me for a minute longer, and then he seemed satisfied with my response. He picked the file back up, and carried on as if nothing had happened. “I wasn’t attempting to dig for details of your s*x life,” he said. “I was simply looking at what exposure you’ve had to male werewolves.” “Oh!” I felt foolish now, fumbling for a response. “Well, no, I haven’t slept with any werewolves.”  He looked at me like I was a puzzle.  “We kept to ourselves and we were rarely around werewolves of my age while I was growing up,” I explained with a shrug. “Hmmm.” That was all he said in response. “And you’ve never shifted, never heard the voice of your wolf?”  “Voice, no.” I shook my head. “But I have shifted once.”  He looked surprised “When?”  “When I was 18, I was attacked.” I told the story of my first and only shift and the Alpha was writing it all down.  “And you also can’t hear the voice of other wolves?” “Huh?” “Mind linking, dear.”  “How did you know?” I was both impressed and concerned at the knowledge he had on me. “The other night I requested that Beta Thomas mind link all the pack for the meeting, your mother then excused herself to the bathroom and I caught sight of her out of the window running down to your house,” he explained. “Tell me, do you hear me now?”  His eyes glazed over and I listened intently but all I could hear was a slight buzzing sound. His eyes cleared up again and he looked at me expectantly, but I shook my head, disappointed. His eyes glazed over again and this time I noticed that the Beta’s eyes also glazed, clearly they were having a conversation about me. After a few moments their eyes cleared again, indicating their private conversation was over. The Alpha looked back down at the file and then back at me. “It’s not that you don’t have a wolf. You have shifted, so your wolf is there,” he explained. “But there appears to be some sort of interference in you two being able to connect.”   “Oh,” I huffed.  He looked amused at my response. “It could be due to the trauma from the attack, or it could be living with humans all these years.”  I scowled at that. “What would living with humans have to do with it?”  “Werewolves are pack animals, we call to each other. If you had been in a pack, around other wolves then your wolf could have been coaxed out of whatever hole that she is stuck in,” he mused. “It’s further supported by the knowledge that you were able to shift when your life was in danger.” “But it’s not like I don’t have wolf abilities,” I stated. “I still have strength and speed, and my hearing is as good as any wolf.” “Yes and they are all physical attributes, even as pups we have strong bodies, but our wolves don’t surface until late teen years. The wolf is all mind connected.” I had never seen that connection before. “But I believe with immersion within the pack and weekly sessions with Dr Baxter, we will soon be reunited with your other half.” He smiled reassuringly.  “Dr Baxter?” I asked.  “Yes, she’s the pack psychiatrist.”   “Wait, immersion?” I just realised what he had said. I did want to be immersed, I wanted to be left alone. “Yes, that brings me on to the next matter.” He looked back at the file. “I can see that prior to coming here you ran a reasonably profitable web design business.”  I tensed up. “Yeah what of it?”  I growled involuntarily and the Alpha looked up, shocked at my reaction. “Well as you are probably aware, we have several pack owned and run businesses.” He picked up a thick file and held it out to me. I looked at the file and then back at him without taking it. He raised his eyebrows in disapproval, not moving his hand. I just stared at the file, and I could tell he was starting to get annoyed again and the tension in the room was beginning to build, “Just take the damn file,” the Beta growled and my eyes snapped to him and I saw he was glaring at me.  I huffed again and went to snatch the file but the Alpha held onto it. I looked into his eyes and saw a warning glint in them that made me want to shrink into the chair. I closed my eyes and lowered my head and he made a satisfied sound in his throat before letting the file go. I opened up the file and in it were brochures and leaflets and paperwork from several businesses, some of which I had heard of and some I hadn’t. I looked up at the Alpha, a little confused. I wasn’t really sure  why he was showing me all this.  “Bran Davidson is our pack Director of Operations, he oversees all the businesses,” he explained. “And when I saw your business experience, I asked him to check you out,”  The name caught my attention. I knew enough about Bran Davidson. Anyone in the business world knew about him, he was a legend in the entrepreneurial space. I had no idea that he was a werewolf, although it made sense that if he was that it would be this pack that he was with. Most packs had a portfolio of businesses, they were flexible and the bigger ones allowed for lower rank pack members to find suitable wolf-friendly employment. The pack businesses were owned by ranked members but as the ranked wolves had pack responsibilities they often took a back seat and allocated a Director to be the public face. To the outside world Bran Davidson was the eight-figure business mogul, but in the pack he would be another pack employee, although almost certainly from a high family rank. Family rank members were encouraged to have their own businesses and they were required to pay a percentage of their profits into the pack finances. Some packs have that percentage as high as 75%. The only rank that wasn’t allowed to run a business, or even have a job outside of the pack, were Omegas, which is why I had paid out over £30,000 in refunds and account closes in the last few days. I had been building my business over the last three years and was comfortably bringing in multiple six figures, and now it was all lost, taken away. The thought made me want to scream and smash stuff but I knew that wouldn’t bring back my life. “I must say that Bran was impressed with what he saw.”  Huh? What? I was pulled out of my private fury spiral. Bran Davidson was impressed with me? That sent a mix of excitement and pride through my system and I inwardly squealed.  “Which is why I have an offer for you,” the Alpha said, leaning forward. “What offer?” My interest was piqued.  “You will be assigned to work with Bran on the pack businesses,” he stated. I had a feeling that this was non-negotiable in his eyes, but it sure was going to be up for discussion from me. Did he really expect me to be fine with closing my own business only to be forced to work on his? “You of course would receive a generous salary, and I would promote you to mid family rank within the pack,” he continued. “This would allow you to continue on your own business in your own time, with the regular 25% profit fee to the pack, of course.”  I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. “What's the catch?”   He smirked, and I knew I wasn’t going to like the next part. “As a mid family rank who is unmated, you will be living in one of the unmated pack houses up here. In addition to the weekly appointment with Dr Baxter, I am expecting you to make a concentrated effort to spend time with pack members of your own age.” “What?” I wasn’t interested in socialising at all. “We host regular formal events, you will be required to attend every one of them, especially the mating balls.”  My jaw dropped. Was he serious? I hated the idea of the mating balls, they were dressed up as a way to meet wolves from other packs with the intent of finding your fated mate, but were really an excuse for unmated wolves to find a f**k buddy for the night. My dad once suggested we attended one when I was 19 and I vowed never again.  “Also spend time getting to know the pack members, there are plenty of opportunities for socialising within the pack territory.” I didn’t like the way he said that last part. Well, I didn’t like any of it, but that last part really hit hard. “Within the pack territory?” I repeated slowly. “Yes,” he said firmly, looking me directly in the eyes. “Despite the mid-family rank, I am still placing a restriction on your movements. You are still forbidden to leave territory on your own.” My heart sank into my stomach.  “Should you need to leave the territory, then it will only be with express permission from myself, and you will be escorted.”  “So let me get this straight,” I said slowly while trying to fight the rage that was building up in me again. “You expect me to move away from my parents and use my talents to line your pockets?” I was so angry that I couldn’t see straight. “AND you still want to hold me prisoner in this god forsaken place? It’s not enough to take my family, my home and my freedom, you also expect me to w***e myself out?”  I was standing and shouting by the end of that, I threw the file with the brochures onto the desk, only they slipped everywhere and went flying.  “Thank you for the offer, but I respectfully decline,'' I spat.  The Alpha's eyes had gone black and even though he sat there completely still, the anger coming off him was thick. Even the Beta looked uncertain. Before I could form another thought, there was a blur and I was flying across the room and smashing into the wall by the door.  I hadn’t even hit the ground when I was lifted up in the air and smashed into the wall again, pain ringing through my head. The Alpha had me pinned against the wall, he snarled at me and I whimpered away.  “You have been repeatedly disobedient and I have warned you I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour from someone who is not much older than a pup.” He dropped me to the floor, towering over me. “You might have gotten away with this kind of s**t in your old life and that sorry excuse for a pack you were in, but you are in my pack now and you will follow my rules, or I will really show you what it is like to spend your life as a prisoner when I throw you into the dungeons. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”  My blood ran cold and I started shaking but I nodded my head, quickly sending a fresh wave of pain slammed into me from the movement and I winced.  The Beta had come up behind the Alpha and placed his hand on his shoulder. The Alpha looked at it and took a breath before turning back around and walking to the desk. “Get back in the chair,” he snapped, sitting back down in his own chair. The Beta offered me a hand to help me up off the floor, I took it and winced as I lifted myself up. Thank the goddess that I still had werewolf healing, but I was still gonna hurt. I limped back to the chair and sat down tentatively biting my lip to stop myself from crying yet again today. Once I was seated, the Alpha started speaking again. He had his hands crossed in front of his face as he leaned forward on the desk. “You have two options, Miss Waters.” He sounded a lot calmer now. “Option number 1, you accept my generous offer with my terms, and enjoy most of the benefits of the new rank. And no, I don’t expect you to w***e yourself out as you so eloquently put it, I aim to coax out your wolf with the help of the wolves in the pack.” I shrunk a bit at him quoting me. “I believe the best bet is for you to connect with your fated mate because their wolf will have the strongest chance of connection. And I suspect that the block on your wolf may hinder you more than most, so close contact is recommended.”  He raised his eyebrows at me, daring me to argue again. “Option number 2, you indeed reject my offer and keep your omega rank, and you will still be commanded to work with Davidson at no pay, only you will have full omega restrictions, including having your quota of omega duties on top of the business work.” My eyes widened in disbelief, “And I will personally ensure that your duties will include catering every single event we host.”  He looked slightly to his side and I glanced at the Beta whose eyes were glazed for an instant.  The Alpha smirked. “And of course with an Omega rank you would need express permission from me if you want to train to fight.”  I shot daggers at the Beta as the tears started falling down my cheeks. I was more terrified of finding my fated mate and being rejected because of my lack of a wolf, in fact being rejected and mocked by others. But that didn’t terrify me as much as not being able to defend myself and the ones I loved. I needed to train to prepare for the worst. Maybe it would be best to go rogue, escape from here and never look back.  It was like the Alpha heard my thought, although I don’t know how, and a glint of something terrifying passed through his eyes. “And be warned child, if you attempt anything like last night’s escape attempt, you will be severely punished. Even if you manage to get past the border guard, I will send out my best trackers after you and I will have you dragged back here. You will be restrained in silver chains in the dungeons for as long as I see fit.”  I couldn’t help the sob that came as I buried my head in my hands. How had my life turned to this in such a short time?  No, I refuse to stop fighting. I will play along until I get my chance, so I looked back at the Alpha with determination. He was still sitting there, leaning forward on his desk, his chin resting on his entwined hands.  “I have one condition of my own,” I declared.  His only acknowledgement was a raise of his eyebrows.  “No one knows.” I stuttered slightly and my voice cracked. “About my wolf, I mean.”  I bowed my head in submission.  “Please, Alpha,” I whispered. I looked back up and was surprised to see what looked like sadness in his eyes.  He nodded his head slightly. “You have my word, no one else knows unless you tell them.”  I let out a breath that I didn’t realise I was holding and nodded. “Then I accept your offer.”
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