Chapter Twenty-Six

760 Words

  Miles' POV "Where is your girlfriend Marron?" Dad asked  "Oh! Her? she is in the kitchen helping Mandy set the table." "She shouldn't have bordered, Mandy shouldn't have let her." "She sure did tried to decline her help, but dad you don't know her. She is as stubborn as you said mum was. Maybe hers being worst." Mandy walked into the room walking straight to dad rewarding him with a kiss as he puts it for whatever thing he has done for her. "Eww father get a room, by the way don't you think you are too old for this?”   Marron said earning him the middle finger. Eww dad can be so horrible sometimes. “Honey don't mind them. You know they always like pulling your legs." "Aww baby you are right. This fools won't stop trying to kill me with their bad mouth." They continued kissing

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