'Springtime for Love'

1523 Words
Regulus' destination is a small restaurant with a charming and distinctive décor called "Movania". It is lunchtime and many people are eating, but there is no owner or waiter in sight. There was no one behind the till, except for a black and white cat sleeping on the register. Quincy bared his teeth and hid behind Regulus. Werewolves and cats have a natural disagreement. The cat's distinctive markings, white on its chest but with a black spot in the shape of a bow tie in the centre, make it look like a gentleman in a suit and bow tie. Regulus had obviously been to the restaurant many times before, and he expertly chose a seat in the corner. There was a menu on the table and he flipped through it with boredom and tossed it to Quincy: "See if there's anything you want to eat." The cat jumped off the till and quickly leapt across half the restaurant like a mist of smoke, leaping agilely onto Regulus' table.Quincy stared at the cat, wondering why he had the audacity to jump on a customer's table. The cat sat down and wrapped its tail around its own front paws. Then the unthinkable happened. It looked over at Regulus and spoke arrogantly, asking, "What'll it be?" Quincy fell out of his chair with a thud. The others in the restaurant cast a glance at him, then withdrew their gaze at the sight. "The cat ...... cat ...... cat spoke!" Quincy crouched beneath the table, only half his head peeking over the edge, his eyes terrified. "Shut up! Unseen hillbilly!" Quincy sat on his butt in shock, never imagining he would one day be taught a lesson by a cat. "I would like the same dishes as usual, " Regulus was calm and collected, "Where did the waiter go?" "Probably working on the latest dark cuisine." With that, the cat turned to Quincy, his long, thin beard twitching, "Is it okay for this werewolf to eat dog biscuits?" "No!" Quincy shouted, "I'm not a dog!" "Gee, aren't wolves and dogs different subspecies of the same creature, and neither is reproductively isolated from each other." "I'm a werewolf! A werewolf! Not just a 'wolf'!" "Dog biscuits people can eat too." The cat said sincerely. Quincy made a whining sound in his throat, as if he was angry. He reached out and poked the cat, who leapt deftly to avoid his attack, landing firmly on the ground and trotting towards the kitchen with his tail up. "He'll just eat the same as me!" Regulus shouted to the cat. The cat replied with a long, drawn-out "Meow~". Quincy climbed back into his seat and looked towards the kitchen with a sense of relief, "Why is this cat so strange?" Regulus rested his cheeks and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the menu, "It's the cat of witch who's called 'The Grand Master of Movania' .. So it's not surprising that it can talk." "Eh? You mean to tell me that this shop is owned by the Witch 'The Grand Master of Movania' and the cat was raised by her?" At the end of the sentence, a waitress in a black and white uniform stumbled out of the kitchen with two cups of hot tea in her hands. She yelled, "It's hot! It's hot!" She raced to Regulus' table like a speeding hoover and placed the two cups of tea on the table. "Please, Mr. Regulus!" The waitress said as she flung her hands around, hoping to dissipate the heat from them as quickly as possible. Regulus and Quincy looked suspiciously at the two cups of tea, neither of them tasting them. "You could use a tray next time." Regulus suggested. The waitress explained, "The cat said no trays, he's afraid of dogs ...... I mean, werewolves, werewolves will take trays as frisbees." "I told you I'm not a dog!" Quincy protested. The waitress playfully stuck her tongue out and ran briskly back to the kitchen. The young werewolf witnessed her departure with hatred. "Lord Regulus, I can see that the lady is a witch." He said, "Is she the owner of the cat - 'The Grand Master of Movania'?" Regulus crossed his fingers, padded his chin, propped his elbows on the table and said deeply, "No, her name is Roxie and she's just a waitress. That cat is Roxie's mentor and the owner of this restaurant, 'Movania', whose name is 'The Great Dominator of Movania',just literally" Quincy's expression froze. He had a thousand words in his mind that he wanted to spit out, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say a word, so he was silent. The two sat in silence for five minutes before Roxie, the waitress, finally began to serve the food. A delicious mushroom soup, a pasta dish topped with a sauce, dried fish grilled to perfection ("Our signature dish." Roxie describes. But Quincy thinks it's a signature dish not because the customers love it, but because the cat loves it). The two of them gorge themselves on the food, sweeping it away like a storm. For dessert, we had cherry pudding, and Quincy's blue eyes suddenly filled with tears as she looked at the bright red cherries on the pudding. Regulus was startled: "Why are you crying?" "Because ...... is so delicious." Quincy choked out, "I've never eaten anything so delicious." A cold sweat slid down Regulus' forehead. He thought Quincy's reaction was over the top ...... He admitted that the food was indeed good, but it wasn't so delicious that it moved people to tears after eating it, was it? Did this werewolf used to eat all dark food? Then again, if 'The Great Dominator of Movania' had heard his praise, he would have turned his furry belly over with glee! "Well ...... Er ...... After all, the chef at this restaurant is a professional and it's only natural that the cooking is of a high standard, right?" Quincy continued, "Compared to these delicious dishes, the food I cook is unpalatable!" "It's not that bad!" "I feel so ashamed of myself for making His Excellency Regulus eat those awful dishes every day!" Quincy berated herself bitterly. "Don't say that! Ordinary people can't compete with professional chefs, after all!" "What I made was a piece of s**t!" Regulus grabbed the pudding in front of him and shoved the whole thing into Quincy's mouth. "Shut the f**k up! You mean I'm eating s**t every day?!" The werewolf youth grabbed himself by the throat, he felt like he was suffocating from the pudding, his face turned red as he held it in, and it took half a day's effort to swallow it. "Ahem, I didn't mean it like that, Your Excellency! I just ......" he hung his head and stared at the table, "oooooooooh, I'm so useless, not only am I terrible at cooking, I can't even speak, oooooooooh ...... " "Stop crying!" Quincy sniffled as she pushed his untouched portion of pudding in front of Regulus. At that moment, a magical aroma wafted through the air, the kind of scene depicted in a fairy tale #Walking down the street and suddenly smelling a sweet aroma, following the smell all the way to find out that it was the scent of a pastry house#. Both eyes turned in unison to the kitchen at the same time, only to see Roxie rolling out a small trolley filled with delicate cupcakes. She placed the cupcakes on a long table at the end of the dining room and arranged them in a flower pattern. "They look so delicious ......Quincy! Wipe that drool off!" The young werewolf's body jerked and he hastily grabbed his napkin, wiping the watery stain from the corner of his own mouth. "I'm sorry, Your Excellency! I, I got carried away! We werewolves have a keener sense of smell than ordinary people, and that cake really tasted ......" "Would you like some?" Regulus asked. "No, no!" Quincy looked to his right and left, scratching his ears, "I really want to taste one!" written all over his face, but was too embarrassed to ask. Regulus waved to Roxie. The waitress ran over attentively. "What can I do for you, sir?" She asked solicitously. "Two of those cakes for us." Roxie gave a difficult look, "This ...... sir, I'm sorry, but that's not for sale." "What?" Regulus was shocked, "Did you just put the cakes there as decoration?!" "No, no, no, you misunderstood! The shop is holding a special event right now and those cakes are prizes for the event. Just join the event and you'll get one." Regulus then noticed that the wall behind the table was covered with pictures, surrounded by a circle of pink confetti in the shape of a heart. "What's the event? Can we join in?" "Of course you can! Anyone can take part!" Roxie gushed, "The event is called 'Springtime for Love' and all you have to do is kiss the love of your life on the spot and take a picture of it, then put it on the wall!"
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