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“Four”   Kasem's POV I had no choice but to tell my parents I had s*x with someone. With an omega. An omega in heat. I couldn't lie to my parents especially my mother. "Please tell us you didn't mark him." I know my father was expecting me to say no. "I...I did." My heartbeat was racing but I stood my ground. "s**t!" I heard him curse. "Girls, leave the room, please." He asked my sisters. I knew I was in deep trouble. But I had to face it. My omega needs me now more than ever. "Sit." I sat in my couch in front of my mom and dad. "How old is he?" "17." He told me when we were in the taxi. "Most probably he is on pills but...Did you use any protection?" I shut my eyes close and shook my head. I heard my mom sigh and my dad cursed even more. "We taught you, son. How could- "Dad...he's my fated one." "WHAT?!" They both said at the same time. I met my parents' gaze as I narrated how I sensed my omega. It was his scent that drew me close first. I was left sitting in the couch when the both of them excused themselves to talk in my balcony. They closed the door and it seemed a while before they came back inside. I waited patiently as they seemed to find the right words to tell me. I was anxious but I was ready for whatever they would tell me. Dad cleared his throat. "It's your birthday but...we need to pay your omega a visit." My face lighted up. I nodded repeatedly. "Okay. Good. Go get ready. We're leaving when you're done." My mother said to me as she pulled me up and hushed me. I was excited.           Ishan's POV On my birthday, my house was visited by the alpha, named Kasem Sutivong, the one who marked me. With his parents and sisters. They invited us later on for dinner since it was also his birthday. He turned 16. I had s*x with an underage. Okay, I was too. But...ah Darn it. Apparently, he ratted himself out. I mean, he spilled the beans of him marking me. He didn't mention the word accidental. Nor unintentional. What he mentioned was "love at first sight". Uncontrollable love at first sight. I was quiet the whole time our parents chatted about our relationship. I could tell the resolution on Kasem's eyes as he told his parents how he wanted to take responsibility for me. "This is our son's first and only relationship. And he's a good kid. You can be rest assured." His mother told my mom. "I could tell. He brought my son home last night. On a piggyback." "If he does anything Ishan doesn't like, just let us know. We'll deal with him." His dad said to my mother. "They're bonded now. It may be too fast but we can't just ignore the fact that we're family now." His mother told my mom. As their conversation progressed, their chat became livelier and lighter. How are they so nonchalant after all that? Then they talked as if they're arranging a marriage for us. Kasem and I would lock gaze from time to time. He looked so handsome in dark colored suit. I would avert his gaze whenever I found myself ogling him. But it wasn't helping. I could smell his unique scent that I never smelled anywhere. I was left wondering about it. No other alpha smelled anything to me before. And the sense of belonging to him, I seemed to love it. But he doesn't need to know that. Yet.       Now, for two weeks after we bonded, that kid hadn't stop visiting my house. We had already established our relationship and my mom is so fond of him. How couldn't he? Kasem would bring him flowers from his mother's garden whenever he comes at our house. Sometimes, he would even play mahjong with my mom. Why does he try so hard to please my mother? He's already got me. He doesn't need to work hard on that one. And why am so irritated about all this? I should be happy. Kas is only 16 yet he seems so matured. He respects my mother so much. And he never falls short on showing me how much he cares and loves me. He would tell me every day at home and on his texts. We see each other at school but I had been avoiding him. Whenever I could smell him, I wanted to run to him and bury myself in his embrace but I was scared at the same time. For these past two weeks, I've been feeling too happy. I was scared because it might end one day. I know it's wrong to even think so. And also, these days, my dreams of my father had been very good ones. Happy memories. The ones I had been longing to see when I close my eyes at night. My father was smiling at me. In my dreams. "My little policeman! Wee--woo!" He would carry me in his back and spun me around. These days, I hadn't been waking up sad or with tears in my eyes. I had a smile. 'Kas...' Why do I think of him all the time? "...ey!  ...hey! You've been so out of it lately. Did something good happen?" Karn nudged my back as I sat on the bench outside the all purpose gym. I could sense the teasing in his voice. Earlier, I ran away from the cafeteria at lunch hour. You could guess why I did. I groaned and buried my face on my palms. I couldn't tell my best friend that I had bonded and mated with someone. Just then I felt a warm hand on my back right before my nose sniffed the best scent in the world. 'My Kas...' "P'Ishan...I brought you lunch." I raised my head and my eyes met with Kasem's worried but smiling handsome face. I felt his finger close my mouth. Was I gasping or drooling? Darn it. I right away ran a palm on my mouth. Just in case. "P'Karn... Thanks." I heard him say to my friend. They know each other? "Sure, Nong. ...I should go then. Don't let your cute lover run away again." What the— I took off my shoe and threw it at my friend. He just laughed after dodging it without looking back. Kasem cleared his throat next to me."He kinda... beat the truth out of me." That's when I noticed a fading bruise on his cheekbone. When he sat down next to me, I found my fingers gently touching his cheek. I retreated them immediately. He chuckled softly. "I had been trying to get your attention. You've been avoiding me. No wonder your best friend took a swing at me when I said you were my boyfriend. I didn't know you haven't told him yet. He's a family friend by the way." I felt guilty somehow. Though I felt that our connection is right, I also felt weird, maybe because it's my first relationship. And it happened way, way, too fast. We had s*x first. In school! Plus, this kid... he makes me nervous. I feel hot and giddy whenever he is near me. Anxious. His wonderful, unique scent drowns me. I love it. I love him. Is it that easy to fall for someone? “…shan. ...P'Ishan." "H-huh?" Was I lost in my thoughts again? He flashed me a warm smile. So handsome. "Let's eat, my Ishi." "Uh- ...y-yeah." Shit. I'm doomed. ______________________________________________  
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