
1150 Words
“Three”   Ishan's POV The last thing I could remember was his handsome face and the soft gentle kiss he gave me. Everything else prior to that happened too fast and it was mostly a blur. Yet so beautiful. I mated with an alpha. He marked me. We're bonded forever. I could still feel him in me. I could still smell him in me. His scent and the powerful aura had overwhelmed me yet I didn't feel intimidated nor angry. I gave in to him. What the—? Did I initiate it all? The scenes playing in my head are mostly fragments. But...did I kiss him first? Darn it. What have I done? And now I'm in my... room? How did I get here? Where is he? s**t. Is it morning already? I felt the side of my mattress dip. "How are you feeling?" "Mom?" She is sitting next to my laid body. s**t. He looks worried. And a bit. Angry? "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." I don't know why I'm apologizing but I felt the urge to. A looked at his eyes again and I saw worry. Just worry. "It's okay, son..." "Mom..." He sighed. Now what? "I was just-- I was a little upset because you didn't tell me you were dating already. And that kid is too years younger. Is that why?" Wait--what? Dating? Two years younger? "Mo-- He got up and opened the blinds in my room. "And if he didn't bring you home so late last night, I wouldn't know. I thought there was no secret between us? You traitor!" Ugh! I had a lot to process and now she's ranting about me keeping secrets. The hell? He started to clean up my room which is usually messy. "Your gifts from your godparents are here. Even Ben and Brad sent you stuff. They barely fit in our hallway. So hurry and shower. Let's go somewhere for your birthday." Shit. It's my birthday. I freaking forgot. "M-mom, can we just… you know... Order pizza or something?" It's Saturday and I am too lazy to get up, shower get dressed, and leave the house. Seems like a lot of work. I giggled when my face caught the pillow he threw at me. "Mom!" "We did that last year. And the year before that. What are we? Italians?" "Italians don't just pizza on their birthday mom-- awh..." Even if I want to throw the pillow back, I think I can't. My backside hurts. Shit. "Did you over work yourself at the basketball practice yesterday? Knott told me." "Huh?" "You look exhausted son. Okay, maybe we'll order pizza today...yeah?" I smiled victoriously. "Please make me pinkmilk, too." "Sure, prince Ishi." "Thanks, mom. I love you." "Yeah-yeah. Traitor. You're lucky you have a choker on. ...but you better haven't missed your pill!" He threw another pillow before closing the door. s**t. I must have worn the choker back only before I got home. It's on my neck. Is that why he didn't notice I'm bonded already? And I'm on pills. Never missed a day since I turned 12. My mother didn't notice my heat didn't come either. It's supposed to come anytime now. Ah... Because I'm already mated.     'Mom...I'm sorry.' *** Kasem's POV His handsome yet cute face is still flashing in my head. His scent. I can still smell it on me. And only I can sense it. My omega. I marked him. He's mine. He had always been mine. When I regained my full senses, it was already eight at night. We were in the locker room for over two hours. I don't even know how no one checked the gym. But I didn't care. I had to get him home. I did what I could to get us cleaned up and get dressed. We weren't speaking the whole time. I was scrambling to clean the room and just kept looking at him in worry after he himself got back to his senses when I put clothes on him. My Ishan must have been hurting after all of what I did. I felt his pain. I don't know how. After a while, through his broken sentences, he gave me his address. I carried him on my back as I hailed a taxi in front of the school. When we got their apartment building, I carried him on piggy back still as we rode the elevator. A woman and her two kids were smiling at me and the sleeping figure next to me. "Your little brother looks cute, P'." One of the kids said. I just smiled back. Good thing I had food in my backpack. The taxi ride didn't take long, only enough time for Ishan to eat the muffin and drank some water. Then he fell asleep. A man on his late thirties opened the apartment room my Ishan had given me. "Oh my! Come in! Come in!" Was what he said after seeing us both. When he asked who I was after I laid down my Ishan inside his room, I told him that I am his boyfriend. We're more than that now. But it will be a shock to him if I said, "I mated with your son. We're bonded forever." I'll wait for a good time to introduce myself properly. When Ishan is conscious and aware of everything. I learned that his name is Art, my omega's mother. I paid my respects when I saw the photo of another man in their giving room. Ishan's father. I saw the sad smile on Ishan's mom. And I know why. I just felt it. We were having a little tea when he asked me how old I was. I said 16 by midnight. Then my phone started buzzing on the table where he helped me re-charge it. I apologized that I couldn't stay because my parents were worried about me. He insisted on talking to my mom on the phone and explained the reason why I wasn't home yet. Based on Ishan's mom's reaction during the phone call and my mother's expression when I got home, I'd say, I was saved. And now it's Saturday morning. I'm 16. "Happy birthday!!!" My sisters. They came to barge in my room to greet me a happy birthday. "You're a big boy now! 16. Wohoo!" P'Kristine said as she jumped on my bed with P'Kayla. I was shaking my head as I smiled the whole time. It's like this every year. They only barge in when it's my birthday. They took turns pinching my cheeks. Ah...the painful luxury of being the youngest. "So...got any lovers yet?" P'Kayla asked me. "Lovers? He just needs one!"-P'Kristine. "Does it matter?"-P'Kayla. They kept bickering about my lovelife when I decided to just get off the bed before they could learn I already have one. "Hey! Is that a hickey???!!!" My movements halted when I heard them both squealed. s**t I forgot to wear a turtle neck before going to bed. And I forgot they were gonna barge in my room today. I reflexively ran for the bathroom but it was too late. "Darn!!!"-both my sisters examined my neck and my back, lifting my v-neck shirt up. "Did you sleep with a tiger or something?"-P'Kristine. "Tigress!!!"-both of them exclaimed. Just then my bedroom door opened wider. "What's going on here?" My mom and dad entered. Darn. Someone please bury me. _______________________________________________  
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