Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11. The feel of the breeze wafting through Maggie’s fur as she ran around the Helsingør pack brought a peace that surpassed all understanding. The scents and sounds from around the grounds felt strangely familiar and comforting. Becca attempted to clear her mind, to be at one with nature, allowing the tranquillity she was experiencing to soothe her, giving her peace that she had not felt in such a very long time. It did not go unnoticed that, although she had a lot on her mind, she had a sense of calmness that she had craved for years. As Maggie ran towards Fredrick's chalet, Becca hoped her wolf didn’t go on a scent-rolling spree again, as it would be highly embarrassing. Maggie automatically slowed as they approached the rear of Fredrick's chalet, and Becca sighed, waiting for the wolf to stop and sniff the scent she seemed to love. She could not understand why her wolf was so enamoured by Fredrick's odour, especially as he was not her mate. As they approached, the sound of low groans filtered through the area. Maggie came to a halt and then began to walk around the chalet, stopping at the front door. “What the hell are you doing Mags?” Becca exasperatedly asked her wolf. “He is in pain, we can help him,” Maggie answered, sounding pained at the thought of Fredrick suffering. “You are forgetting, he doesn’t want our help,” Becca huffed. “No, he doesn’t believe you can help. Plus, his beef is with you, not me. I am going in,” Maggie said, stepping onto the porch area, and pushing the door with her snout. “Maggie, what the hell? Give me back control, this is ridiculous!” Becca demanded. “No, because you will get pissed off with him, and shout, or call him a p***y or some s**t. This way your mouth will stay shut, and maybe he will let me help! You are not the only one with a healing kiss Becca!” Maggie huffed back and continued to walk in the large chalet, following the groaning. Coming to a door that was slightly ajar, Maggie once more used her snout to open it enough to fit her large wolf form through. Fredrick lay in the centre of the huge super king-size bed, curled up in the foetal position, rubbing his chest, a thin film of sweat coating his body. “Maggie! This is his bedroom… Bloody hell wolf!” Becca complained, but a thrill of seeing Fredrick in bed, that she would deny if ever asked, washed over her. Even looking so unwell, he was still the most handsome man she had ever set eyes on, bar none. Maggie slowly stepped into the room and gently approached the bed. Fredrick looked a little shocked at the unique light purple wolf. She was fascinating, and the closer she came toward him, the less he was affected by the all-consuming pain. Maggie’s eyes scanned Fredrick's body. The wounds that he had received were healing, but very slowly. “These should have been healed by now,” Becca mused, a wave of concern about why he was not healing normally flooding her mind, overpowering any of the embarrassment she felt because her wolf just wandered uninvited into his bedroom. Maggie moved toward Fredrick's hand and nuzzled her head underneath it. Fredrick let out a low chuckle and began to gently stroke her soft fur. “Hey, I am not sure of your name, but you are a beautiful wolf,” Fredrick weakly whispered. “See…Me he likes,” Maggie said with a great deal of pride. “Only because he doesn't know you yet!” Becca retaliated. Maggie nuzzled her head further into Fredrick's hand, lolloping her tongue out and wagging her tail. The crown prince chuckled and tickled behind her ear. The pain in his chest was still there, but now it was manageable, just a small dull ache. Maggie then looked down at the wounds that were still red and angry, then moved her head, and gently began to lick them. As her tongue connected with the gnarled skin, his healing began to speed up. “Thank you, beautiful Wolf,” Fredrick smiled at Maggie. “You are a good girl, shame your human is such a mouthy b***h,” Fredrick laughed. “What did he just call me!” Becca grumbled, but the sound of his laugh filled her with a joy she could not explain, nor did she want to even think about it. “He is not wrong, I am nicer than you. Plus you pride yourself on being a sassy b***h, admit it!” Maggie quipped back. Maggie continued to lick Fredrick's wounds until they were all healed, then moved to his face, and gave it one long lick, making the prince laugh out loud. Maggie jumped up onto the bed and then lay down across his feet. “Maggie! What the hell!” Becca complained, her wolf was behaving like a wanton hussy! “Being here helps him. Suck it up, buttercup, you need to get over it!” Maggie sassed back, as she got herself comfortable. Fredrick was a little surprised that Becca’s wolf had jumped up on his bed, and laid at his feet. However, he found he quite liked having the wolf there. The pain in his chest was manageable, and he had a peace he could not quite believe flooded his soul. Soon, his eyes began to close, as he drifted off to sleep, still exhausted from everything he was going through. Becca decided to retreat back into Maggie’s mind and leave the wolf to whatever she was doing. However, her own exhaustion from years of not sleeping properly took over, and she soon drifted off to sleep herself. Alisha smiled again at the image of her daughter on a video call, her arms aching to hold her. “She has been as good as gold Alisha,” Chloe smiled lovingly down at her granddaughter. “Have you heard from Asher?” Alisha asked, missing her mate as much as she was missing her daughter. “He called in last night. He is staying in Windsor Castle, in one of the guest rooms. Apparently, the human royals have all been friendly enough. I don’t know about the meeting with the human king though. However, I am confident that it will go well,” Chloe smiled. “That is good,” Alisha smiled. “How is it going in Denmark?” Chloe asked. Alisha sighed. She really did not want to throw Becca under the bus with the former queen, but she really needed some advice on how to navigate this situation, especially as Scandinavia was the UK’s biggest werewolf ally. “Oh dear, that good,” Chloe gave a knowing smirk. “Don’t worry, it will not affect the relationship we have with the King and Queen of Scandinavia,” Chloe said. “So you have seen something then?” Alisha asked, raising one of her eyebrows. “Yes, both Asher and I have. However, there were two different visions, one with a happy ending, and one not so much. We do not know which one will come to pass. If we tell my darling daughter, she will either run with it, or get her back up, and cause even more strife,” Chloe cryptically said, but her eyes filled with love at the mention of Becca. Alisha nodded her head in understanding, knowing not to push her mother-in-law about the situation. Chloe and Asher would give her the information when it was right to do so. “Do you know what is wrong with him? He is ill, Chloe, and werewolves do not get ill,” Alisha sighed. “Only Becca can help him with that. It is his story to tell. He has to trust you and Becca before he will tell you what is really happening to him. Just be patient, Alisha, with both of them,” Chloe advised. “I will be, but honestly, the pair of them are clashing, yet seem to have a physical reaction to each other. There is no mate bond, but they are acting like star-crossed lovers,” Alisha sighed, telling Chloe more than she had planned to, but justifying herself that the former Queen clearly knew more about the situation than either she or Becca did at the moment. “They are more alike than either of them will admit to. Both are stubborn, and life has given them a cruel blow. Anyway, I cannot say anything more on the subject. This has to resolve naturally, one way or the other,” Chloe sighed, as Hope grabbed a lock of her purple hair, which was currently cut into a long Mohawke, and began to chew on it. “She has shifted and gone out for a run, to get control of her anger. However, she has been gone for ages. I had best go try and find her and make sure she hasn’t killed our host,” Alisha laughed. “Yeah, I think that might be for the best,” Chloe giggled. “Bye Hope, see you in a few days. Mammy loves you,” Alisha waved to her daughter, then hanging up on the call she walked out of the chalet, to go in search of Becca. Becca stretched out, rolling he shoulders, slightly disorientated. Because both she and Maggie had fallen asleep she had shifted back to human. She shook her head slightly, wiping the sleep fog from her eyes, attempting to recollect where she was. Suddenly she looked down at her naked body, then sat up, her eyes wide with embarrassment when the realisation that she was laid on Fredrick’s bed, at his feet, hit her like a ton of bricks. She turned towards the large body, to find Crown Prince Tit Avoider sitting up against the headboard, a low groan escaping his lips and his eyes black with lust, as he stared at her naked body, clearly not avoiding looking at her t**s, anymore. “Oh s**t,” Becca whispered, “Yeah, oh s**t,” Fredrick breathed, as the pair of them locked eyes, both overcome with a wave of lust that neither of them could fight, even if they wanted to.
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