Chapter 12.

2002 Words

Chapter 12. Fredrick’s eyes slowly took in Becca’s beautiful naked body, leaving a trail of heat that burned like an inferno in their wake. Her heavy boobs begged to be grabbed, the pink n*****s standing proud, pointing directly at him, almost demanding him to bite and suck on them. Her narrow waist and flat, and perfectly toned stomach gave way to hips that begged to be held on to in the throes of passion. The small splattering of purple curls, a shade darker than her hair, were trimmed in a perfect line pointing to her promised land. His length pulsed, rock hard, bobbing its bulbous head in appreciation of her perfect body. It was painful, but not the kind of pain his mate inflicted. This pain was because he wanted her more than he could remember wanting anyone in his life, including hi

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