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I don't know for how long I must have stood at the door entry, but I was brought out of my thoughts by my mom's loud voice calling my name. "NADIA! Are you closing the door or not?". She asked as I closed my dry mouth. They were already sitting at the dinner table. I quickly closed the door and went to sit at the table. "So, Nadia, I hear you are quite an athlete." Said Mark. I know I must be exaggerating a little, but with his deep voice, I'm sure his chest vibrates whenever he utters a word. Instead of falling for his trap of making a small chat, I didn't answer, and I just nodded as I focused on the cold food in front of me. "So what are your plans for next year?". He asked again, and I couldn't help but glare at him. I'm trying to survive this year. How could I be stressing myself about next year? Who knows, maybe Mom might surprise me with a job or something. She's pretty great about surprises. Mark held his gaze at me, and I glared at him longer than I intended so that I couldn't lose this little staring contest. "Don't tell me that you still haven't thought about anything, and it's only three or two months before the schools end, right?". He asked again. "Don't mind her, Mark. She's not a welcoming person." "Trust me, she doesn't get well with strangers, but don't worry because, by next week, she warm up." Said William to Mark, then smiled a little at me. So when mom said husband, did she mean that she is married? I'm finding it very hard to believe it but by the look of them, they did, they are making weird faces when they look at each other, like they are in love, argh!. "Mom!. Can I talk to you for a minute?". I said with a firm tone that meant business, but she had a big smile. "Sure honey, we can talk here. We are all family". She answered calmly as she gratefully cut her piece of meat and ate it peacefully like she didn't just throw a bomb when she arrived. "It wasn't even a long time before Dad and Angelo left, and you started taking extra shifts. We rarely ate together, let alone saw each other. You are always asleep when I leave for school, and when I come back, you're working the late night shift, but at the time, I just thought maybe you wanted to keep yourself busy, so I didn't complain when William came and lived with us. You're always around afternoons, then when I arrive after my practice, you leave for work, so that led me to one thing: you don't want to spend some time with me. You don't like me. To top everything up, you're married again! I wasn't even invited! As your only family member standing by your side since Nana and Auntie Margot got tired of your selfishness! You just got divorced!". I said all that in my head while looking straight in her face. "This is bullshit". I uttered, scraping the chair very loudly as I pushed it backward before leaving the dinner table to my room. "What I wrong with her?". I heard Mark as I walked to my room. "She's just used to getting the attention, but sadly, the person who used to give her the attention left, so she blames everyone for that," Mom answered, clicking the fork on her plate. "Aren't you going to talk to her?". Mark asked, sounding concerned. I couldn't believe myself, but I almost teared up. "Nah, she will be fine. Let her go". Said mom, not giving a s**t about my fucken tantrum. "I can talk to her if you like." Said Mark. "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE. " I screamed before closing my door very loudly. I got to my bed and buried myself in the pillow before letting out a muffled scream. So after some time, I left the dinner table. I was angry at Mom, Dad, Mark, and, of course, William, but he wasn't feeling my anger because after Mom left, I couldn't go back to the living room, so I just stayed in my bedroom for 30 minutes, or so he came in with my dinner. I was angry, but it didn't mean I couldn't eat, so I took out my anger on the food. "I understand why you are upset at your mom." Said William, sitting down at the edge of the bed. "She's such a fake bimbo, a witch. an evil witch than any other witch in the movies". I answered, feeling the anger building up in me again. "That's just anger talking, and your mom is lovely and beautiful to be called a witch." He answered calmly. "Who said witches are ugly?. The more beautiful they are, the more ugly they are on the inside. If you are not careful, you might get enchanted and not in a good way". I explained. "I hear you, but try to understand how your mom was feeling after losing the man she thought she was going to grow old with. It wasn't easy for her, too, but she collected herself and moved on with her life"—said William. "It's not fair. Why do I get to suffer from all their decisions." I said, whining. "You should stop carrying everyone's problems on your shoulders, and it's not doing any good for you. You should focus on your happiness and well-being and forget about others, and life is too short to be mopping around things you can't change".He said, smiling very proud at his words. "That's terrible advice, but I'm going to take it and use it. So what shall we do?". I answered, and just like that, I received a notification from an unknown number saying Corrina was throwing a party. At first, I was like, why didn't she tell me, but then I decided to just f**k it. I rushed to the bathroom, quickly showered, and then prepared for the party. When I left my bedroom, William was outside waiting for me, smelling fresh and looking great, like she was going somewhere. "Why are you all dressed up?". I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm going with you." He said, brushing up and down his clothes. "How did you know that I was going somewhere?". "When you ran to the bathroom, I looked at your phone to know whether I should check on you just in case you received bad news, but when I read party, I decided to tag along. Now let's go". "Huh, let's go then". I said, not intending to ask any more questions.
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