I killed her

1151 Words

Amanda's POV With teary eyes, I stared at the letter in my hand, which was sent to me by Aunt Lily, my mother’s younger sister, who my mother lived with before she died. All this while, I thought my stepmother killed my mother, or maybe she died due to the news of my condition, but now I have come to realize that I was wrong. My stepmother didn’t kill my mother, neither did her illness kill her, but Alpha Edward's men instead killed her. He sent his men to kill my mother. As tears fell freely on my cheek, I read through the letter sent to me by Aunt Lily, and through the letter, she told me all that had happened. She told me four men barged into her home, and before they cut off my mother’s head, they declared that Alpha Edward sent them to kill my mother as payback for what I did to El

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