
1289 Words

Alpha Edward's POV He freed himself from my grip and wiped off the bloodstain from his lips due to the cut my punch gave him. Burning with anger, I glared at him, wishing I could kill him at that moment, but I knew that would be a grave mistake on my part. “When will you accept it, cousin? When will you accept that Veronica never loved you? It was I she loved, and her death wasn’t my fault. I didn’t force her to go on that trip with me; she came on her own will. Why can’t you accept that fact?” He spat in my face, and I lost control. Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, I slammed his back against the wall and glared at him, my fangs out and ready to strike. “How dare you?” I yelled angrily, and all he did was chuckle at my words. “And what will you do, dear cousin? Will you kill me?

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