Don’t want her dead

1000 Words

Alpha Edward’s POV “What is happening?” I impatiently asked the healer who was healing Amanda. “Her heartbeat is slow, Alpha, and the fact that she doesn’t want to be healed is limiting my abilities. I wonder how she could do that,” the healer murmured. Feeling uneasy, I stared at the unconscious body of Amanda. The healer has been able to stop the bleeding, but she hasn’t been able to wake her up from the coma. Feeling uneasy, I began walking around the room while I ran a hand through my hair. I didn’t know why I was panicking; I was supposed to feel at rest, at least if she dies. It's an eye for an eye, but strangely, I didn’t want her dead. I never had the intention of allowing my men to touch her. I will never allow them to f**k her; all I wanted to do was scare her a bit and watc

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