Stabbed myself

1069 Words

Amanda's POV I couldn’t explain why I did what I did, but out of impulse, I acted, and I regretted nothing. Bam! A slap landed on my cheek, sending a series of pains down my body, but I didn’t care; I was already getting used to it. The guard landed another one on me, sending me to the ground. “Stop!” Alpha Edward commanded the guard, who wanted to land more hits. Feeling frustrated and tired, I looked at Alpha Edward's face, and our glances interlocked. The anger in his eyes was evident, and I knew I was in deep trouble, but I couldn't care less. What would he do to me that he hadn’t done before? “Take her back to her cell,” he ordered, but that was not what I expected from him. Obeying his words, the guard yanked me up from the ground and dragged me away, not minding that I was badl

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