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SKYLA’s POV When I woke up the next day, I was happy to see that none of the boys were around. I didn’t want to face them after what happened yesterday, and I bet they already hated my guts. I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom outside my door, carrying my toiletry bag along with me. It was surprisingly very clean, unlike what I had imagined. The pristine tiles gleamed under the fluorescent lights. I placed my toiletry bag on the edge of the sink and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I had dark circles under my eyes since I had spent hours overthinking my interaction with the boys before I finally slept off. My pink hair was messy, and a slight frown rested on my lips. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the remnants of yesterday's embarrassment, and turned on the hot water faucet. I silently undressed while I waited for the water to heat up. Finally, it was hot enough for me, so I turned on the shower, sighing in relief when the hot water touched my skin, drenching me from the top of my head to the heel of my toes. After a couple of minutes of scrubbing my body till it was squeaky clean, I exited the bathroom and returned to my bedroom so I could get dressed. I had yet to settle down and arrange all my belongings in their proper place. I wouldn’t stay in this dorm for long, so I did not need to start unpacking. Today, I was going to be laying my complaints about the dorm room mix-up, and hopefully, they got it sorted out today so I could disappear before the boys finally returned. At least then, it would make the whole process of ignoring the strong pull of the mate bond easier. Dressed in a white t-shirt and a basic blue jean, I was finally ready to start my day. I went straight to the elevator close to my dorm room and waited patiently until I was finally on the last floor. Putting on a straight face, I walked confidently to the receptionist on the opposite side of the room. “Good morning,” I greeted, trying to get her attention. “Good morning; how can I help you?” She replied politely. “There is a mix-up with my dorm room. Can I get a change?” I asked, shifting the weight of my body from one leg to the other. I was fond of doing this whenever I was uncomfortable; right now, it was one of those moments. I hated having to lay complaints. “A mix-up?” She asked quizzically. “Yeah…” I replied and went ahead to tell her what was wrong. She nodded understanding and looked back at the computer before her, typing furiously. After some minutes, she finally looks up at me apologetically. “I’m sorry, all of the dorm rooms are taken, and there's no way I can change your dorm at the moment,” She said softly. “All taken? Are you sure there's nothing you can do?" My voice sounded more desperate than I intended. She shook her head sympathetically. "I'm really sorry. We're at full capacity. Maybe someone will switch out next month, but for now, there's nothing available." She explained. I sighed, trying to keep my frustration in check. "Okay, thank you," I muttered, turning away from the desk and walking back towards the elevator. I angrily pushed on the fourth floor, annoyed that I had to go back there when it wasn't to clear out my stuff. When I returned to the dorm, I was surprised to see Ryder around. I was expecting them to be gone for quite a while. “Hey,” he greeted curtly before entering the bathroom, not caring if I responded. I could only stare at the closed bathroom door, my heart beating a little faster than usual. I shook my head and tried to focus. Ryder’s presence made my body react differently, and I needed to get a grip. I turned to my bedroom, thinking about what to do next. I began to rummage through my bag, intending to get settled since it didn’t look like I would be switching dorms anytime soon. Suddenly, I felt heat rise inside me, causing me to halt. It started in my chest, spreading rapidly through my body. My skin prickled, and my breath hitched. No. Not now. Not here. I gritted my teeth, trying to fight the feeling. I knew exactly what was happening. It wasn’t supposed to happen for another few weeks, but I guess suddenly meeting my second-chance mates must have made the process quicker. I was in heat. I felt an undeniable urge to be near him, my body reacting to his scent even though he was still in the bathroom. I tried to distract myself by unpacking and folding my clothes inside the medium-sized drawer, but it was futile. My mind kept drifting back to him. Maybe if I had some water, it’d help me cool down on the inside. I wondered and decided to do just that. I exited my bedroom to get water from the kitchen, and like a joke, the bathroom door creaked open at that exact moment. Ryder stepped out, a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair damp and tousled. The sight of him made my heart pound even harder. He looked hotter than ever, with his majestic torso dripping with water. My eyes hungrily followed the tiny drop of water trailing from his chest downwards to his sexy v-line until it disappeared under his white towel. I wondered how it’d feel like to trace my hands over him. “See something you like?” Ryder's deep voice snapped me out of my daydream, and I felt my cheeks heat up, embarrassed to have been caught openly staring at him. I knew my cheeks were a deep shade of red by now. “I- I’m sorry,” I sputtered and turned my back on him to get water so I could quickly return to my room before I embarrassed myself any further. All I had to do was avoid him till the heat subsided. “Skyla,” he called, his voice almost commanding. “You smell differently…” he whispered, his voice much closer than before. He was right behind me. “Wait, are you in heat?” He asked. I could hear the underlying excitement in his tune. I shook my head wordlessly, not wanting to admit the obvious truth. “There’s no point denying it; I can perceive the intoxicating scent of your arousal,” he whispered. His hands rested on my tiny waist, pushing me backward until I was resting on his chest. He leaned into the nape of my neck and inhaled deeply, drinking in my scent. I gasped when I felt his prominent bulge against my ass. Heat rushed through my body, and a pool of my arousal formed at my center. The need to have his hands all over me drastically increased, and I felt like I’d pass out if I stayed any longer without a release. “Mph,” I moaned softly when his left hand climbed higher, his fingers tips grazing my boobs. “Tell me to stop Skyla,” he said. “I won’t do anything if you don’t want me to. Tell me to stop, and I will, " Ryder continued gently. His finger lightly grazed my hard n****e, barely touching me yet, but my body already felt like it was on fire. A fire only him could quench. My rational mind screamed at me to tell him to stop and not forget about my only rule, but my body betrayed me. I leaned back into him, feeling his warmth seep into my bones. "Skyla," Ryder's voice was low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. "Do you want this?"
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