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BACK TO BOUNTY PACK: THE MORNING AFTER SKYLA’S ESCAPE. _____ “Where the f**k is she?!” Richard’s angry voice yelled, making the guards in charge of Skyla’s cell shiver in fear. “I’m sorry, Alpha, but we received an order to throw her out of the pack,” one of the guards responded shakingly. He knew how strict Alpha Richard could be and could already tell his life was on the line here. “An order from who?” Richard growled, shocked that the guards would take an order from someone other than him. “The pack elder, sir,” he replied, slowly backing away as Richard abruptly exited his office chair. “The pack elder? Why would he give such an order without consulting me?” His voice was dangerously low, and the guard could barely meet his gaze. “I-I don’t know, Alpha. He said it was for the best of the pack,” the guard stammered, visibly trembling. “For the best of the pack?!” Richard’s voice thundered, and the guard flinched. The door burst open, and the pack elder, a stern man with black hair and sharp eyes, strode in. “Enough, Richard. You know very well why I did what I did.” “What are you talking about?” Richard turned his glare to the elder.” “Leave us,” The pack elder ordered the guards out, and they quickly scurried away. “Skyla is the daughter of our late beta; I couldn’t just sit and watch you punish a unique bloodline that way,” The elder deadpanned. “Skyla is not innocent!” Richard countered. “Of course. But in honor of our late beta, banishing her from the pack is a much better punishment than publicly shaming and killing her,” He replied, trying to reason with Richard. “But-“ “Please, Alpha, do not go searching for her,” The pack elder pleaded, bowing his head respectfully. “Fine!” Richard said reluctantly after a long pause. ————————— REDWOOD PACK ________________ Skyla POV ‘Mates!’ Kyi exclaimed. The boys had confused expressions as they stared at me like an intruder who had broken into their room. Now that I think about it, I actually looked that way. I wondered if they felt what I was currently feeling. Kyi wouldn’t stop screaming about them being our second chance mate, interrupting my ability to think properly. “What are you doing?” The one with grey eyes questioned accusingly. “Yeah… Why are you at the male side of the dormitory? Specifically in our dorm room?” The black-eyed one asked, emphasizing the last word. “What-?” I sputtered in shock. The boys simply raised their eyebrows questioningly, waiting for answers. “This is my dorm,” I responded, trying to figure out what was going on. “Your dorm,” The brown-eyed guy repeated with a smirk, the words rolling down his tongue beautifully. They still looked at me like I was ridiculous, not believing my words. They must have thought I was some sort of stalker girl who was obsessed with them. I couldn’t blame them, though; I’d think so, too, if I were in their place. “I’m not lying!” I pouted, stomping on my feet. “Of course,” the brown-eyed guy snickered, stiffening a laugh. “Let her talk, Blaze,” the black-eyed one scolded. Blaze… Kyi repeated lovingly, enjoying the boy’s presence. On the other hand, I was frustrated that I was going to get my reputation soiled on my very first day. “Sure, sure,” he said, raising his hands in defeat. “Go on, tell us what happened,” he urged, a tiny grin playing on his lips. He seemed to be really enjoying seeing me flustered. As promised, they kept silent until I was done explaining everything that had happened and how I ended up here. “Must have been a mix-up,” the grey-eyed one muttered thoughtfully. “Yeah. Welcome, I guess… roomie. I’m Kia,” the black-eyed one said with a warm smile. “I’m Ryder,” the grey-eyed one introduced himself. “Blaze,” the last guy smirked. “I’m Skyla,” I mumbled, feeling uneasy under their watchful gaze. I wondered how on earth I would survive sharing a dorm with three extremely attractive men. “Skyla…” Ryder whispered. I blushed shyly; my name had never sounded so pleasant before now. His voice was deep and glided through my ears like a soft caress. “Welcome, pretty little mate,” Blaze said, making my eyes widen in shock. So they felt it, too?? “Took you long enough to finally show up; we had already given up on ever finding our mate,” Ryder teased. “Mate? I think you must have gotten it wrong. I’m not your mate,” I lied coldly. ** ‘SKYLA WTF ARE YOU DOING?’ Kyi yelled at me angrily. ‘They are our second chance mate for fucksake,’ she growled. ‘I know- but I don’t want one,’ I gritted, hoping she would understand. ‘The f**k you mean by you don’t want one? I do! Don’t be selfish, Skyla. The only way I can heal from my fresh heartbreak would be with their help!’ Kyi growled again. ‘I’m sorry, okay! I don’t think I can do this,’ I whispered. ** “So you don’t feel it, too?” Blaze asked skeptically. The truth was, I did feel it- this inexplicable pull toward them. But admitting it meant opening myself up to a vulnerability I wasn't ready to face. Before I could muster a response, Blaze took a step closer. His body was dangerously close to mine, making my heart race; I swallowed hard, trying to ignore his intoxicating scent. "I..." My voice faltered as Blaze reached out, his fingers caressed against my arm. A shiver ran down my spine, and I involuntarily leaned into his touch. Damn it, why did it feel so good? “Look at you, quivering at my mere touch. Why do you fight it, Skyla?” he murmured, his lips softly brushing my ear lobes. I wanted to give in to my desires and welcome his divine touch, but I knew I had to stop before the little self-control I had left dissolved. “I do not feel anything; now, leave me alone!” I said, flinching away from his touch. “What?” Blaze asked in shock, the hurt evident in their eyes. “What a joke! Just when we thought the moon Goddess finally blessed us with a mate, it turns out she doesn’t feel the same way.” Blaze muttered bitterly. “How is that even possible?” Kai mumbled. “You guys must be mistaken,” I lied, my eyes cast downwards, trying to avoid their gaze. “You’re lying,” Kia stated, seeing right through my act. “But why?” He asked, his voice laced with pain. They looked so broken, and it hurt me to do this, but I had to. The memory of Richard’s betrayal was still fresh in my mind, like an imprinted memory. I didn’t have it in me to trust anyone again after all that. I had just one rule and wasn’t about to break it anytime soon. “Of course, she’s lying; the mate bond never makes mistakes,” Blaze deadpanned. “You know what f**k it! I can’t deal with this right now,” Ryder said coldly. “I need some space,” Blaze muttered, brushing past me to one of the rooms I assumed was his. Ryder gave me a cold glare before following suit with his brother and locking himself inside his bedroom. “Wh-“ Kai started but quickly held his words back, deciding he was done speaking. He simply shook his head in disbelief and exited the sitting room. When I was finally alone, I suddenly broke down. My cold charade shattered after I locked myself inside my room. I slumped to the floor, my body shaking with sobs. Why did everything have to be so complicated? The moon Goddess finally gives me a second chance at love, but I can’t even accept it. I’m such a mess. ‘Skyla, pull yourself together,’ Kyi said gently, her previous anger replaced with concern. ‘We need them. I need them.’ ‘I can’t, Kyi. I’m scared,’ I admitted, my voice trembling. ‘I can’t go through that pain again.’ ‘But you’re hurting yourself more by pushing them away. We deserve happiness. We deserve a second chance,’ she pleaded. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, trying to steady my breathing. Maybe Kyi was right, but I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t prepared for the heartbreak that might follow…
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