1231 Words

SKYLA'S POV I had no idea what I was going to do about Courtney's threat. I was still contemplating whether I should tell the triplets about what happened. What are the chances they would believe me, though? I knew they didn't like their stepmom, but I could only imagine how ridiculous I'd look when I told them their stepmom had feelings for them. Somehow, I didn't feel the need to take Courtney's threat seriously. She could go to hell for all I care. I made my way out of the pack house following the directions Courtney had previously led me to. I sighed in relief when I finally stepped out of the pack house, breathing in the cool, fresh air. I took the cab back to college; I'd spend my weekend in the dorm since I had nothing else planned. The ride was quiet, giving me too much time to

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