1297 Words

Skyla's POV The insults continued. Leaving me absolutely bewildered. What on earth was happening? I had done nothing wrong, so why did it seem like these people had something against me? "f*****g Liar, I bet she sluts around the triplets too," one girl sneered at me loudly like she intended to make sure I heard her. Okay, that's it! I angrily stomped to where the girl stood, not too far from me. "What's your issue with me?" I growled angrily. She looked at me with a stink eye and tried to brush past me, but I wasn't about to let that happen. I stood my ground and prevented her from walking away, leading her to frown even more. "Yeah, right, like you don't already know what you did," the girl said. "Huh?" I asked, looking at her in confusion. "Oh wait, I guess you don't know this

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