Part 20

3572 Words

Caly’s  POV “Good morning, Caly!”  Dr. Murray cheerfully says as she enters my room. “How are we feeling?” This is the second morning since I woke up here in the hospital. “Good, I guess.  Hard to tell since I’ve pretty much all I have been doing is eating or sleeping.” “Rest helps the recovery.” She reminds me. “I think being able to get out of bed would be good for recovery.  I could do laps between here and the bathroom.”  “You have to prove you can stand up straight before I would even consider letting you do laps,” she smiles down at me.   So I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed.   “Woah! I didn’t mean right now!” Doc puts a hand on my shoulder to keep me down. “First let me check a few things, then we can see about taking some of these things off you. We can’t h

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