Part 21

3314 Words

Caly’s POV When I woke the next morning it was already breakfast time.  Dr. Murray was carrying a tray towards me, and I sat up and pulled my table closer.  Colin and his pile of papers were gone. “Colin had to leave early, the warriors and ranked members have training at the dark hour of 4:30 most mornings.  I did tell him he lost the bet.  I brought you a coffee from my staff room since he’s always so busy, I don’t know when he might be able to stop in to see you.”  She sets down the tray and looks over the machines, “Now tell me the truth, does your wolf really crave coffee and sugar, or is it you?” “Her. She expends a lot of energy, and frankly, she’s a cranky b***h without coffee.” “It’s unusual for our wolves to crave anything you can’t catch in the forest.  Not even necessarily

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